***RECAP: A couple stray tears fell from her green eyes. "I should have told him..."***

******AT KEVIN'S HOUSE******

"Guys, what time is it?" asked Brian nonchalantly, as he flipped through channels at Kevin's house with the rest of the guys. "It's only ten-thirty....why?" asked Howie, looking up from the magazine he was reading. AJ sat on the couch with Kevin and Brian, while Nick was sprawled out on the floor.

"Just asking," Brian replied, as he switched off the television, "there's absolutely nothing on TV at ten-thirty on Tuesday night."

"I'm exhausted!" announced Nick suddenly, stretching out like a cat on the floor, "today really wore me out!"

"Oh, c'mon Nicky boy," joked AJ, "you can take more than that! We need to work on your endurance!"

Nick stuck out his tongue at AJ, as he continued to stretch. "It was a fun day though...." AJ added, a faraway look in his eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" asked Nick, suddenly sitting up, "stop that! You're scaring me!"

"Yeah, what's up Bone?" asked Kevin, "you look like you're thinking about something."

AJ shrugged and smiled shyly. "Oh my God," laughed Howie, "did anyone just see that?! He smiled like a little schoolgirl!"

"Fuck you, D!" AJ yelled, shoving Howie off the couch, "I'm not a schoolgirl!"

"Sure you're not," teased Brian, joining in the fun, "you just smile like one!" AJ didn't beat up on Brian though....he just rolled his eyes and said, "I am NOT a schoolgirl."

"Ya wanna know what I think?" added Brian, "I think our little AJ over here has a little bit of a crush!"

"Shut up Frick, I don't know what you're talking about," AJ replied, at the same time as Nick said, "A crush? What are you guys talking about?"

"Nick, I think AJ has a little crush on Lauren," Brian teased, poking AJ in the arm. "He does?" asked Nick, trying to hide the weirdness in his voice, while Kevin and Howie just laughed.

"All right!" exclaimed AJ, pushing Brian's hand away from poking his shoulder, "I DO have a little thing for Lauren.....all right?! Damn, I don't need all of you to make such a big deal about it!"

"I knew it!" exclaimed Brian, smiling with satisfaction, "I knew it all along!"

AJ blushed and turned to look at the guys. "I don't know what it is, but since yesterday when she came into the studio I've gotten this vibe from's hard to explain....we just seem so similar and seem to have so much in's hard not to like her!" he finished, biting his lip.

"Awwww," cooed Kevin, "that's so sweet."

"I'd appreciate it if you guys didn't say anything though, okay? I don't wanna scare her away...we've only known her for like a day!" he said in a serious tone.

"Your secret's safe with us!" Brian said in his fake girly voice. "Good," replied AJ, smiling to himself.

"Oh, hey guys, I promised my mom I'd be home early tonight," Nick said suddenly, standing up, "I probably should get going."

"Did you drive over here yourself?" asked Kevin, "cuz if you didn't I can give you a ride home if you want?"

"Naw, it's okay....I drove here this car's parked out front....see you guys tomorrow," he ended abruptly, as he headed for the front door. There was silence until all four guys could hear the car start on the driveway, and drive away.

"That was kind of strange," AJ said, "he left so suddenly!"

"He probably forgot he had to be home and hour ago!" laughed Brian, dismissing the whole thing, "I wouldn't be worried."

*******THE NEXT DAY*****************

"Mom, don't worry.....yeah....I know," Lauren said exasperated. She was on the phone with her mom, and was trying to tell her the whole story. "All I'm saying is to be careful," her mom warned, "I know you just found your brother and all, but please just think about things before you do them."

After a couple more minutes of convincing, Lauren hung up the phone. "Damn," she muttered, "it's a good thing she's not out here herself...she'd drive me crazy!"

She thought about the day she had spent with the Backstreet Boys yesterday. It had been so much fun, and she had forgotten even the slightest notion that she should tell AJ they were related; it just seemed inconsequential.

At that very moment the phone rang. "Hello?" she said, picking up the receiver, thinking it was her mother again. "Hey Lauren," said a different voice....a voice that sounded like Nick.

"Hey Nick! What's up?" replied Lauren, feeling a rush of excitement flow through her. "Not much," he answered shyly, "me and the guys were just wondering if you'd maybe wanna come to this press conference thing we have to do?"

"Of course!" answered Lauren, not giving it a second thought, "when and where?"

Nick gave her the details and Lauren began to get ready. The thought of telling AJ had completely fled her mind.







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