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Sipara 21   Sipara 22   Sipara 23   Sipara 24   Sipara 25   Sipara 26   Sipara 27   Sipara 28   Sipara 29   Sipara 30


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

  1. Allah sets forth (another) Parable of two men: One of them dumb, with no power of any sort; a wearisome burden is he to his master; whichever way he directs him, he brings no good: Is such a man equal with one who commands justice, and is on a straight way?
  2. To Allah belongeth the mystery of the heavens and the earth. And the decision of the Hour (of Judgment) is as the twinkling of an eye, or even quicker: For Allah hath power over all things.
  3. It is He Who brought you forth from the wombs of your mothers when ye knew nothing; and He gave you hearing and sight and intelligence and affections: That ye may give thanks (to Allah).
  4. Do they not look at the birds, held poised in the midst of (the air and) the sky? Nothing holds them up but (the power of) Allah. Verily in this are Signs for those who believe.
  5. It is Allah who made your habitations homes of rest and quiet for you; and made for you, out of the skins of animals, (tents for) dwellings, which ye find so light (and handy) when ye travel and when ye stop (in your travels); and out of their wool, and their soft fibers (between wool and hair), and their hair, rich stuff and articles of convenience (to serve you) for a time.
  6. It is Allah who made, out of the things He created, some things to give you shade; of the hills He made some for your shelter; He made you garments to protect you from heat, and coats of mail to protect you from your (mutual) violence. Thus does He complete his favors on you, that ye may bow to His will (in Islam).
  7. But if they turn away, thy duty is only to preach the clear message.
  8. They recognize the favors of Allah; then they deny them; and most of them are (creatures) ungrateful.
  9. One day We shall raise from all peoples a witness: Then will no excuse be accepted from Unbelievers, nor will they receive any favors.
  10. When the wrongdoers (actually) see the Penalty, then will it in no way be mitigated, nor will they then receive respite.
  11. When those who gave partners to Allah will see their "partners," they will say: "Our Lord! these are our `partners,' those whom we used to invoke besides thee." But they will throw back their word at them (and say): "Indeed ye are liars!"
  12. That day shall they (openly) show (their) submission to Allah; and all their inventions shall leave them in the lurch.
  13. Those who reject Allah and hinder (men) from the path of Allah -- for them will We add Penalty to Penalty; for that they used to spread mischief.
  14. One day We shall raise from all peoples a witness against them, from amongst themselves: And We shall bring thee as a witness against these (thy people): And We have sent down to thee the Book explaining all things, a Guide, a Mercy, and Glad tidings to Muslims.
  15. Allah commands justice, the doing of good, and liberality to kith and kin, and He forbids all shameful deeds, and injustice and rebellion: He instructs you, that ye may receive admonition.
  16. Fulfil the covenant of Allah when ye have entered into it, and break not your oaths after ye have confirmed them; indeed ye have made Allah your surety; for Allah knoweth all that ye do.
  17. And be not like a woman who breaks into untwisted strands they yarn which she has spun, after it has become strong. Nor take your oaths to practice deception between yourselves, lest one party should be more numerous than another: For Allah will test you by this; and on the Day of Judgment He will certainly make clear to you (the truth of) that wherein ye disagree.
  18. If Allah so willed, He could make you all one people: But He leaves straying whom He pleases, and He guides whom He pleases: But ye shall certainly be called to account for all your actions.
  19. And take not your oaths, to practice deception between yourselves, with the result that someone's foot may slip after it was firmly planted; and ye may have to taste the evil (consequences) of having hindered (men) from the path of Allah, and a mighty Wrath descend on you.
  20. Nor sell the covenant of Allah for a miserable price: For with Allah is (a prize) far better for you, if ye only knew.
  21. What is with you must vanish: What is with Allah will endure. And We will certainly bestow, on those who patiently persevere, their reward according to the best of their actions.
  22. Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has faith, verily, to him will We give a new life, a life that is good and pure, and We will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions.
  23. When thou dost read the Qur'an seek Allah's protection from Satan the rejected one.
  24. No authority has he over those who believe and put their trust in their Lord.
  25. His authority is over those only, who take him as patron and who join partners with Allah.
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Every endeavour has been made and steps have taken. as far as humanly possible, to avoid any error in this Holy Quran. In spite of this, there is the likelihood of some errors, having inadvertently been overlooked; to err is human.
The readers are earnestly requested that, in case they come across any errors, they will please point these out to us, so that these may be corrected.

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