Damar: It's about the minefield.
Quark: What about it?
Damar: It's coming down.
Quark: Oh I've heard that before. 93kb Behind the Lines
Damar: I'd like to toss that smug little Vorta out the nearest airlock. And his Founder with him.
Dukat: (laughs) Now, now Damar. That's no way to talk about our valued allies. Not until this war is over, anyway. 313kb Sacrifice of Angels
Damar: The last mines have been neutralized. We're ready to detonate the mine-field, sir. 161kb Sacrifice of Angels
Damar: To victory -- on all fronts. 71kb Statistical Probabilities ~ Thanks to Suzanne Schultheiss for pointing this out
Damar: I'm not some agent of the Obsidian Order, I'm the leader of the Cardassian Empire.
Weyoun: Don't let it go to your head. You serve only at the Dominion's pleasure. 131kb Statistical Probabilities ~ Thanks Suzanne
Damar: I serve the Founders.
Weyoun: As do we all. 75kb In the Pale Moonlight ~ Thanks to Victoria Meredith for this one
Damar: Without you [Dukat], the war will be lost and Cardassia will lie in ruins. 88kb Waltz
Damar: These are our new, unmanned orbital weapon platforms. Their hulls are protected by regenerative force fields and their arsenals consist of a thousand plasma torpedoes. Weyoun: I like them.
Damar: I thought you would. 239kb Tears of the Prophets
Damar: I believe you owe me an apology.
Weyoun: I believe you're right.
57kb Tears of the Prophets
Wyncroft: Mr. Russell, you promised not to write on the walls.
Benny: No one will give me any paper. Wyncroft: I thought we agreed that you weren't going to write at all -- that you needed to rest.
Benny: No, I don't need to rest, I need to tell my stories.
288kb Shadows and Symbols
Wyncroft: This world you've created -- this Deep Space Nine -- Captain Sisko and Kira and the others... none of it's real.
Benny: Oh, it is to me!
189kb Shadows and Symbols
Wyncroft: It's for your own good, Benny. Wipe away the words. Destroy them before they destroy you.
126kb Shadows and Symbols
Damar's Speech at the beginning of his rebellion movement.
500kb Changing Face of Evil
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