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Welcome To My Leo, Myles, & Gerry Fitzgerald Tribute!!
This is the movie poster for "Baby Geniuses" and the little boy is one of the triplets. Isn't he cute? Aren't they cute?

"Leo, Myles, and  Gerry?", you ask. I answer, "Yes, don't you know them?". "Of course not", you answer back promptly. "Well, I'm here to tell you all I know about them", I say.

I don't know much about them, probably nothing to your mind! I have tried practically everything! No one even cares that children (triplets) of this age can act and be cute in one! Well, I care. If I ever meet them, it'll be a glow. I am right back where I started. I used to love Dylan and Cole Sprouse the same way I do Leo, Myles, and Gerry but they're different now. Everyone knows them now. But poor L, M, & G are still unknown to the world. Anyone who has ever seen "Baby Geniuses" should give them credit! Just imagine how long and hard it took them to do that! Some people can't even do that now, let alone 2 or 3-year-olds! To be truthful, all I know is that L, M, & G are from Canada. That's ALL I know. By the way it looks, "Baby Geniuses" was probably their first movie. There has got to be someone out there like me! Has to be. If you're one of them, e-mail me at


Last Updated: December 14, 1999
                                                                            Written by:
Diedre "Deej"


Leo, Myles, or Gerry are the little boy to the farthest right. CUTIES!!!!
THIS IS THE BEST PIC ON THE 'NET!!! This pic pretty much somes up what all 3 of them look like. THIS PIC IS DA BOMB!!!! Courtesy of DIEDRE (Who had a smart brain and found it!)
Leo, Myles, or Gerry are the little boy at the farthest bottom.
Aww! As I hope you guessed, the little boy with his tongue out is one of the Fitzgerald Triplets!

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