"Bring it On" Premiere Encounters

Please remember that all photos on this page were taken by me at the premiere of "Bring it On." If you would like to use any of the photos on your web page, I would appreciate it if you would e-mail me. If you do not wish to email me, please put a link back to my site on your page. Thanks a bunch. :) Enjoy!

After he arrived, Sinbad was nice enough to walk over and greet the fans. :)

Here is Ben Savage talking with the press. :)

Where's Ben? You can see Ben's face if you look closely. :)

Here is a picture of one of the members of the R&B group "Blaque." She is the one in the black pants and flame top.

This is the only decent picture I was able to take of Kirsten Dunst. There were men putting stuff right in her face for her to sign so they could sell the autographs. :(

Here is Eliza arriving with a smile on her face. :) I am not sure who the other people in the picture are.

Eliza finds someone to greet upon her arrival at the premiere.

Here is Eliza after she walked over to us fans to sign some autographs. :)

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