"If knowledge is power, then a god am I."
-The Riddler (Jim Carrey)

Movie and Music

May the Force Be With You

Welcome to my page. On this page you will find movie reviews, cd ratings, and a list of movies I've seen in the theatres. I also have some links to some friends pages that also have movie reviews along with other fun stuff. I hope you enjoy my page.

1.Personal Profile Page

--This page includes a little information on the background of the creator of this page, which would be me.

2.Movie Ticket Stub Page

--This page includes a list of movies I've seen in theatres.

3.Movie Review Page

--This page icludes reviews of movies I've seen. I've also included my own personal rating based on a four star system.

4.CD Rating Page

--This page includes a list of cds I own and my rating of them based on my four star system.

5.DVD List

--This page includes a list of DVD's I own.

6.Pool Stats

--This page includes league and tournament stats.

7.Comic List

--This page has links to the lists of comic books I own.

These are links to friend's pages and a few other pages I enjoy.

Alex's Home Page

International Movie Database

My Shockwave Project

My Flash Project

Screws just fall out all the time. The world is an imperfect place.

© 1998

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Contact me at:

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