Fear My Crusty Title Graphic  ;)

My Quake 3 maps.
Maps come with basic bot support.

2309 KB
psydm4: Finished 30-Sep-2002
Trying for something with a more indoors feel to it.

The 'eagle banner' mapmodel was made by QkennyQ


3081 KB
psydm3: Finished 04-Sep-2002
This level grew from the roof area of psydm2.

The env box 'emeraldfog' was made by amethyst7
The plant mapobjects were made by Natestah

The env box 'emeraldfog' is in a seperate .pk3 file. You need both files map-psydm3.pk3 and env-emeraldfog.pk3 in your baseq3 directory for the map to work properly.


psydm2: Updated 01-Sep-2002

The env box 'emeraldfog' was made by amethyst7


psyqdm6: Finished 26-Feb-2002

This map is based on the map DM6 from the original Quake.
Lacking the imagination to come up with an interesting level (see psydm1 below) I turned to the classics. I think it's fairly close to the original. Some things are different though. Hopefully nothing too obvious.

Still have not quite got the hang of lighting. Nice big open space like 'psydm1' not a problem, relatively speaking, but enclosed rooms with architecture...

Rebuilt most of the rooms (CSG Subtract = Bad :: Built by hand = Good), and re-textured the whole level - no more modified textures... just ID originals.

psydm1: Finished 26-Feb-2002
My first Quake 3 map.
Well it was a learning experience anyway.
