Guin turner

Last Updated 3rd May 1999
by Max & Maddy

This page is our personal little shrine to the gorgeous and talented writer, actress and producer Guinevere Turner and we hope you enjoy it!

Born:May 23, 1968, Boston
Raised:Los Angeles; Martha's Vineyard, Mass; New York State
Occupation:writer, actress

Guinevere is a wonderful lesbian role-model not purely for her outspoken views on issues which involve lesbians and gays but also because her work aims to bridge the gap in popular culture between the heterosexual and the homosexual community. We believe that Guinevere is simply cool and wanted to share this with you all out there in cyberville. Have fun checking out the pages and mail us with any comments.

Check this out!!!!!!! We managed to get a hold of Guin and she kindly answered some fan questions for us. Make sure you go to the page and hear some of her favourite things and what shes up to right now! It's worth it!!!! Link at the bottom (Guin Q&A).
HUGE thanks to Guin for being so kind and cool, we can't thank you enough for your help.


We've added some of Guins own writings for you to read so check them out it's worth it. Also we've changed the layout of the Guinterviews page, with the addition of an extra interview.
As well as that we've added 'treasure Island' to the films page.
Finally and probably the biggest addition is the 'Guinevere Picture Gallery' which has thumbnail images of Guinevere... one click and you have numerous large pics of guin to gaze at.


Feel free to contact us when you are online via ICQ

ICQ Number 41104466

Make sure you hit the MORE INFO link on the movies page. There is a whole page dedicated to EACH movie with pictures and information!

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Made in the UK

Page Born on 15th Nov 1998

page kept by:

Max & Maddy
We hope you like it