
welcome to loebworld!!
what's new?
legal stuff
(webrings and 

AUGUST 27, 1999


welcome to LOEBWORLD: your source for all things "lisa." unlike most so-called "fansites," we at LOEBWORLD pay tribute not only to lisa loeb the musician (and aspiring actor), but also to lisa loeb: the historical icon, lisa loeb: the omnipotent healer, and LISA LOEB: the future of the world to come.


08.13.99: some "donny and marie" screen caps were added, and the "news" section was updated with information on lisa's future projects. all is right with the world.

08.03.99: a few more screen captures were uploaded (finally!!), and some LOEBWORLD polls were added to the "about me" and "images" pages. a lot of people don't realize there's a different poll on (almost) every page, so, uhh .. well, so there you go. check 'em out already!!

07.28.99: the dead "guestbook" link in the footer has been corrected. righteous MAN-THANKS to tana moku, for pointing this out to me.

07.21.99: LOEBWORLD is opened to the public. it's a little incomplete, but i thought it would be fun to get an opinion on the site so far, and sort of wing the second half as i go along. this seems to be the best possible way for me to steal ideas from other people, but you probably didn't need to know that.

anyway, what you're looking at is actually the second version of LOEBWORLD. the general consensus so far is that the first design looked better, and i completely agree .. i just wasn't satisfied with some of the interface and images, and more or less felt like the whole thing had to be sacked. i'm itching to start on a third (better) design, but i'd like to get a response from this one before i do ..

so with that in mind .. make yourself at home and look around, answer the polls, sign the guestbook, and if you've got the time, let me know what you think of the site so far. thanks a lot!!


i don't know lisa loeb. i've never met her, i don't write to her, and i don't send her flowers or polaroids on her birthday. needless to say, i am also NOT lisa loeb .. even on those nights when i dress up like her, and cry like there was no tomorrow.

© 1999 LOEBWORLD is maintained and was designed (poorly) by me, and is intended for personal, extremely non-profit use only. all opinions and ideas expressed on this site do not necessarily reflect those of lisa loeb, her fans, geffen records, yahoo, geocities, or the holy church of "second-day" loebism. all images of lisa loeb (mrrrowwwrrr!!) remain the property of their respective owners and are, to the best of my knowledge, used in such a manner that won't get me sued or shut down. all images relating to the LOEBWORLD site and its design belong to me, and all instances of crappy html are entirely my doing, despite attempts to teach me otherwise. some animals were hurt during the making of LOEBWORLD, but in retrospect, they probably deserved it.

and finally ..

some portions of LOEBWORLD are MADE UP, and some of the people and events described on this site DON'T REALLY EXIST. CAPITAL LETTERS may be used on this site for EMPHASIS or as HEADINGS, but generally denote NO OTHER SIGNIFICANCE.


when LISA LOEB takes over the world, how should she do it?

charm the UN with her feminine wiles
unleash an army of LOEB-o-drones
blow up the moon with the "L.I.S.A." beam

current results

(home) (news) (facts) (lisa's 
supernatural) (images) (discography) (links)
(webrings and 
awards) (guestbook) (about me) (feedback)

© 1999 "Cluebasket Knows" 1