i was daydreaming about three boyz with amazing
lyrical arts,<br>and gazed upon there souls to find such
huge hearts,<br>i wondered how anyone could look at
life with such unique angles,<br>and put away other
thoughts that might cause tangles,<br>i was thinking when
a sharp pain hit up my tooth,<br>and reminded me
that pain speaks an undiniable truth,<br>the dialect i
tried to use to express my feeling,<br>was left shaking
as my mind was sent randomnly reeling,<br>then i
tried to concentrate on something that would bring me
back,<br>so that i could slip away from this intilectual
attack,<br>and my mind was focused back onto three
minds,<br>that make me happy and know life before thier
times...<br>i wrote it...no1 said it was gonna be
beautifil...stay special<br>*bliss