_ The Umbrella Corporation and T-Virus Files

Umbrella had been working on a new bio-tech weapon, the T-Virus. This virus mutates all it touches. In humans, it causes rapid disintigration of the body and a slow brain death. However, the host retains their motor skills, therefore turning them into 'zombies'. In addition, it instills in the host the desire and physical strength to eat human flesh and brains.

In dogs, the virus affects them the way it does humans, but it boosts their strength and resilience a hundred fold. In plants, it mutates them into large creatures with minds of their own. An especially strong and fully synthesized strain in a human will create the perfect weapon: the Tyrant.

A variation of it, the G-Virus, is even stronger and is being developed by Umbrella's top researcher, William Birkin. This was the result of Umbrella's attempt to create the perfect killing machine: mindless, strong and difficult to destroy. It does not know pain, compassion or weakness. And it is not yet known if financial gain is Umbrella's goal or if it is something more...

The Umbrella Corporation was founded sometime in the 1960s, by Lord Ozwell E. Spencer. More information coming soon, as it is closely guarded by Umbrella's Intelligence Division and difficult to come by. 1