The Munsters & The Addams Family Fan Club


The Munsters & The Addams Family Fan Club


1-"The Addams Family Goes to School"
Morticia decides to keep the children home from school after she sees the fairy tales they have to read. When the truant officer comes to investigate, he finds Morticia tending her garden of hemlock and poison ivy, and Gomez blowing up bridges on his model train set.

2-"Morticia and the Psychiatrist"
Pugsley abandons his pet octopus for a puppy, is seen wearing a Boy Scout uniform, plays with a baseball bat, and helps an old lady cross the street. Distraught, Morticia seeks the counsel of psychiatrist Dr. Black.

3-"Fester's Punctured Romance"
Uncle Fester convinces Gomez and Morticia that it is time for him to find a mate. Fester conducts his search by putting an ad in a newspaper, then mistakenly thinks a door-"to-"door cosmetics saleswoman is answering his ad.

4-"Gomez, the Politician"
Election fever grips the Addams household, as Gomez supports the council candidate whose campaign promise is to drain the town's disgusting bogs. Morticia, who likes "the lovely bogs," labels the candidate an extremist. But Gomez assures her that all politicians do the opposite of their campaign promises.

5-"The Addams Family Tree"
Pugsley and Wednesday start a row at a birthday party when their gift of a tarantula upsets Harold, the birthday boy. Harold's parents insist that the Addams children lack breeding and, therefore, are no longer allowed to play with their son. Gomez and Morticia then hire a genealogist to trace their heritage.

6-"Morticia Joins the Ladies League"
Gorgo, an escaped circus gorilla, is accepted as one of the family which shocks the Ladies League members Morticia's invited to tea. Gomez is pleased as Pugsley makes a friend of Gorgo, but Lurch is unhappy when Pugsley teaches Gorgo to do housework.

7-"Halloween With the Addams Family"
A pair of bank robbers are welcomed as Halloween trick or treaters by Morticia and Gomez. The creepy atmosphere of the house, Morticia's smoldering holiday punch and Lurch's ominous presence impel the crooks to abandon their plans to add Addams money and jewelry to their bank loot. (Guest Star: Don Rickles)

8-"Green Eyed Gomez"
When Lionel Barker, a former suitor of Morticia's, shows up, Gomez is jealous. But he's soon calmed when he learns that Barker is after Mildred, the new maid. The Addamses then discover that Barker is a con man after Mildred's money, not her love.

9-"New Neighbors Meet the Addams Family"
A pair of newlyweds leases the house next door to the Addams Family. But the honeymoon loses its tranquillity when Uncle Fester enters their house through a tunnel. When invited next door, they flee in terror at the sight of Lurch, Grandmama sharpening her ax, and Morticia and Gomez bathing the octopus.

10-"Wednesday Leaves Home"
The family faces a crisis when Wednesday packs her spider and runs away (after being scolded for playing with Uncle Fester's TNT instead of her own). When they try to file a missing person report, a detective is anxious to retire early because of the Addamses' story.

11-"The Addams Family Meets the V.I.P.s"
Official visitors from an unfriendly nation receive the shock of their lives when they decide to exploit the Addams Family as an average uncultured American family. The visitors are shaken up by Morticia's carnivorous plants and Uncle Fester's penchant for jolts of electricity, among other typical Addams sights.

12-"Morticia, the Matchmaker"
Morticia's cousin, Melancholia, wants to marry Clarence P. Harvey after most of her marital prospects have joined the Foreign Legion. Clarence recoils when Melancholia puts on a campaign to win him, backed by support from Morticia, Gomez and Clarence's boss.

13-"Lurch Learns to Dance"
Lurch becomes a veritable gazelle when he takes dancing lessons at Gomez and Morticia's suggestion, after he admits to being a wallflower at social functions. Each member of the Addams Family teaches Lurch a different step.

14-"Art and the Addams Family"
Grandmama's paintings leave an art critic speechless, so Gomez sends for his friend, Sam Picasso, to teach Grandmama to paint in the abstract. The starving artist ignores Grandmama's and Morticia's work as he eats and paints. Meanwhile, the art critic urges Gomez to "throw the bum out."

15-"The Addams Family Meets a Beatnik"
Rockland Cartright III is a beatnik who crashes his motorbike into a tree and recuperates at the Addams house. Each regards the other as an oddity, although the family learns to appreciate certain aspects of Rockland's life. As a treat, they put Rockland in the stocks and on the rack.

16-"The Addams Family Meets the Undercover Man"
Mr. Briggs, the postman, is hired by the government to do undercover work in the Addams house. While pretending to be a stamp collector, he investigates rumors that coded radio messages are being sent from the house.

17-"Mother Lurch Visits the Addams Family"
Lurch's tiny fire-"eating mother visits and demands that Lurch's employers wait on her boy hand and foot. Lurch revels in the unexpected attention he gets from Morticia and Gomez.

18-"Uncle Fester's Illness"
Uncle Fester's electrical output fails abruptly. His relatives don't know whether to call a doctor or an electrician to bring Fester back to full wattage. Morticia prescribes a bowl of porcupine mold, and both she and Gomez agree that long exposure to moon rays would be beneficial.

19-"The Addams Family Splurges"
The family would like to vacation on the moon, but the billion dollar travel cost is slightly prohibitive. Uncle Fester volunteers $21.13 and Morticia suggests a $2,000 bet on the daily double at the racetrack.

20-"Cousin Itt Visits the Addams Family"
Cousin Itt is advocated as curator of the local zoo. Gomez uses his influence with Park Commissioner Fisk to promote Itt for the job, but the zookeepers are convinced the Addamses' cousin should be confined to a cage.

21-"The Addams Family in Court"
Grandmama is hauled off to jail for setting up a fortune-"telling booth in the Addamses' living room. Gomez volunteers to act as attorney, and the court session becomes a shambles.

22-"Amnesia in the Addams Family"
Gomez loses his memory after hitting his head; he fails to recognize Morticia, and says the house looks like a condemned museum. The Addamses take turns hitting Gomez on the head trying to help him regain his memory.

23-"Thing Is Missing"
Thing disappears from his box. Failing to find a single trace of Thing, Gomez conducts an investigation with all members of the household under suspicion.

24-"Crisis in the Addams Family"
Uncle Fester applies for a job as an insurance salesman with the same company which is threatening to cancel the Addamses' policy (because Fester keeps blowing things up). Fester convinces the company interviewer that he is qualified for the job.

25-"Lurch and His Harpsichord"
Lurch becomes inconsolable when Gomez donates the family harpsichord to a collector. Gomez and Morticia offer Lurch a balalaika and a set of drums. When this proves unsatisfactory, Gomez and Fester decide to build a new harpsichord.

26-"Morticia, the Breadwinner"
When Morticia hears the stock market has crashed, she assumes that Gomez has been financially wiped out and rallies the family to help make money. Morticia gives fencing and dancing lessons, Lurch and Fester run an escort service, Grandmama styles hair, and the kids run a poison drink stand.

27-"The Addams Family and the Spacemen"
While enjoying a moonlight picnic and snail hunt, the Addams Family is mistaken for Martians by uniformed investigators from Mysterious Space Objects Headquarters. In turn, Gomez and the clan regard their inquisitors with suspicion.

28-"My Son, the Chimp"
An organ grinder's fugitive monkey leads Fester to believe that he has turned Pugsley into a monkey. Morticia and Gomez treat the monkey as though he were their son, welcoming him to the dinner table and giving him Pugsley's chores.

29-"Morticia's Favorite Charity"
Morticia's favorite charity is having an auction-"-"so Morticia persuades her family to part with things to sell. Donations include Wednesday's headless doll, the old flogging table, a stuffed vulture and Uncle Fester's dynamite.

30-"Progress and the Addams Family"
The Addams Family ignores notices that their house is to be condemned to make way for a freeway. When sudden explosions cannot be traced to any member of the family but, instead, to city workmen, Gomez is forced to consider moving the house to another lot and creating new swamps.

31-"Uncle Fester's Toupee"
Uncle Fester's midwestern pen pal, Madelyn, is coming to visit. Fester panics, as he has described himself as handsome, heroic and romantic. Gomez and Morticia agree that all Fester needs is a toupee; they help him make several styles ranging from crew cut to Beatle cut.

32-"Cousin Itt and the Vocational Counselor"
Morticia and Gomez are worried about Cousin Itt because he spends his days sleeping and dreaming in his tiny room. They decide that Itt would make an excellent marriage counselor, and pretend to be a couple with a failing marriage.

33-"Lurch, the Teenage Idol"
A recording company's platter of Lurch's gravelly voice brings a screaming mob of teenage fans to the Addams house. Thinking the mob is an invasion, Gomez, Morticia and Fester take battle stations. To calm the crowd, Lurch seats himself at the harpsichord and rewards his fans with a song to end all songs.

34-"The Winning of Morticia Addams"
Taken in by a psychologist's pronouncement that the only happily married couples are those who fight, members of the Addams household devise schemes to start a battle between Gomez and Morticia.

35-"My Fair Cousin Itt"
Gomez decides to bolster Cousin Itt's failing ego by making him the star of a production aimed as a birthday surprise for Wednesday. He hires the great director, Eric von Bissell, who gives Itt elocution lessons of such effectiveness that Itt begins to develop a Hollywood star complex.

36-"Morticia's Romance (Part 1)"
While Morticia and Gomez are celebrating their 13th wedding anniversary, Morticia tells Wednesday and Pugsley a bedtime story of how she and Gomez first met. In this episode, Carolyn Jones plays Morticia, Morticia as a 22 year old, and sister Ophelia Frump.

37-"Morticia's Romance (Part 2)"
Wednesday and Pugsley refuse to go to bed until they hear the rest of the courtship story. Morticia resumes the tale via flashback, including the ceremony beginning with Ophelia Frump, Morticia's balmy sister, as the bride.

38-"Morticia Meets Royalty"
Romance seems close at hand for Thing, the Addams right hand in a box, when Gomez's aunt, Princess Millicent, arrives for a visit accompanied by Lady Fingers, her handmaiden. Thing enjoys the visit most because it gives him a chance to hold hands with one of his own kind.

39-"Gomez, the People's Choice"
Morticia and Gomez visit Mayor Henson to complain that their property tax is ridiculously low. After the Mayor proves his incompetence by offering a refund, Gomez is persuaded to become a candidate for the office. Aiding the family with the campaign is Whizzo, a computer type political machine.

40-"Cousin Itt's Problem"
During a welcome home party for Cousin Itt, Morticia notices that the diminutive guest of honor seems to be losing his hair. Uncle Fester experiments with his chemistry set to produce a chemical concoction that grows hair on a doorknob, Thing's box, and his own bald pate. So he agrees to try the remedy on frantic Cousin Itt.

41-"Halloween, Addams Style"
Wednesday and Pugsley return in tears from trick or treating because a neighbor has told them there is no such thing as a witch. Morticia and Gomez plan to prove to the children that they do exist by summoning a witch to a seance.

42-"Morticia, the Writer"
Determined to correct the dreadful dragon slaying type literature that Wednesday and Pugsley are exposed to, Morticia sets out to create a new literary world for children. Gomez fears that his wife's first manuscript is so good, that once the publisher reads it he will lose her forever.

43-"Morticia, the Sculptress"
In need of artistic fulfillment, Morticia takes up sculpting. Art critic Bosley Swain views her first endeavor a three eyed Gomez statue and clubs it with his cane. Gomez, who won't have Morticia's heart broken, gets Sam Picasso, a seedy art dealer, to buy it.

44-"Gomez, the Reluctant Lover"
Young Pugsley copies one of his dad's old love letters and sends it to his teacher, Isobel Dunbar. Miss Dunbar comes to visit the Addams home and confesses to Gomez that no man has ever fallen so in love with her. Morticia volunteers to play the jealous wife to raise the teacher's morale.

45-"Feud in the Addams Family"
Prompted by Morticia's invitation, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Courtney visit the Addams house for tea, hoping to meet a member of the social set who turns out to be Gomez's cousin by marriage. Fred Clark guest stars.

46-"Gomez, the Cat Burglar"
There is a neighborhood burglar on the loose, and Morticia has reason to believe it could be Gomez. Morticia decides to probe his subconscious mind for a key to his criminality after she and Uncle Fester discover loot hidden in the storeroom.

47-"Portrait of Gomez"
Morticia's pet plant Cleopatra gobbles up her favorite photo of Gomez from the family album. When the original photographer is found and asked to make a duplicate picture, it is discovered that he is now with the Department of Motor Vehicles. So Gomez, who can't drive, will have to get a driver's license in order to have his picture taken.

48-"Morticia's Dilemma"
Gomez plays host to Don Xavier Molines, a family friend during his childhood in Spain, and his daughter Consuella. Morticia's hospitality changes to horror and shock when Consuella, believing Morticia to be Gomez's sister, reveals that she has been promised in marriage to Gomez since childhood and has come to marry him.

49-"Christmas With the Addams Family"
When Wednesday's and Pugsley's faith in Santa Claus is shaken, Uncle Fester is chosen to back up Santa in case the real St. Nick is too busy to come. However, Fester/Santa gets stuck in the chimney, so each of the other adults in the house decides to substitute for him.

50-"Uncle Fester, Tycoon"
Fester is so smitten upon receipt of a photo of his love a bearded carnival lady that he borrows stamp money to mail her a proposal. Morticia dons a beard and poses as the girl's mother to convince Fester that he will have to work to support a wife.

51-"Morticia and Gomez vs. Fester and Grandmama"
Because she thinks Fester and Grandmama are spoiling the children, Morticia hires a governess to watch them. Insulted, Fester paints a white line down the center of the Addams house, dividing it in half.

52-"Fester Goes on a Diet"
Morticia and Gomez see Fester conferring with TV muscleman Jack La Grann (Jack LaLanne), and think that Fester is planning a television career. However, Uncle Fester confides to Lurch that he has to go on a secret diet and exercise, because his Folies Bergere pen pal is coming for a visit.

53-"The Great Treasure Hunt"
Morticia and Gomez find Grandfather Pegleg's treasure map and summon Captain Grimby. They hope to charter his boat for the treasure hunt. But after meeting the Captain, Morticia is careful to keep the nature of the mission secret.

54-"Ophelia Finds Romance"
Ophelia Frump is madly in love with Horatio Bartholomew, the man who has everything except the truth about Ophelia's relatives. Morticia, convinced that her sister is in the hands of a lonely hearts Bluebeard, persuades playboy Cousin Itt to stir the embers of his past romance with Ophelia.

55-"Pugsley's Allowance"
Pugsley shocks his parents when he gives up his new atomic reactor as kid stuff and announces that he wants to find his own job. His first try is as a medical assistant to Dr. Bird. He turns up, scalpel in hand, ready to help during an operation.

56-"Happy Birthday, Grandma Frump"
Grandma Frump, played by guest star Margaret Hamilton, comes to the mistaken conclusion that her daughter, Morticia, and Gomez plan to pack her off to an old folks home. Actually, they plan to send her to a beauty farm.

57-"Morticia, the Decorator"
To sell the neighboring Addams Family an insurance policy, agent Joe Digby allows Morticia to redecorate his home. Morticia gives the Digbys a stuffed vulture as a present.

58-"Ophelia Visits Morticia"
Ophelia taunts Uncle Fester into announcing that he is going to join the Peace Corps. Fester decides he's a cinch to be accepted, because Gomez plans to pull strings in Washington on his behalf. Then the entire family agrees to help him study for the exam.

59-"Addams Cum Laude"
Allyn Joslyn guest-"stars as Sam Hilliard, a former truant officer who now heads a private school where Wednesday and Pugsley are enrolled. When Hilliard breaks under the strain of dealing with the Addams children, Gomez buys the school.

60-"Cat Addams"
Marty Ingels guest-"stars as Dr. Marvin P. Gunderson, who is summoned to examine Kitty Kat, the ailing lion pet of the Addams Family. Morticia soon decides that it is the cringing doctor who needs help. To build his confidence, human members of the family pretend to be ill-"-"so Gunderson can effect cures.

61-"Lurch's Little Helper"
Morticia's concern that Lurch is overworked leads Gomez to the operating table to assemble a custom built secondary butler. Lurch lets the robot do all the work and then begins to feel that he isn't needed anymore.

62-"The Addams Policy"
When Uncle Fester incinerates the family's stuffed bear with his flame thrower, Morticia reports the accident to the insurance company. Mr. Henson, the head of the company, sends his assistant, Mr. Digby, to handle the case.

63-"Lurch's Grand Romance"
Lurch suffers from unrequited love over Tiny Trivia, Morticia's visiting school chum who only has eyes for show business. The entire family decides to try to turn their stolid butler into a new personality.

64-"Ophelia's Career"
When Ophelia laments that she has been jilted, Morticia suggests a career as an alternative to marriage. She tries chemistry first (with explosive results) then turns to operatic singing. Cousin Itt is summoned to coach her to stardom.


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