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Drive-in Theaters

Welcome to the DRIVE-IN

  Drive-in theaters

99W drive-in

Belmont drive-in

Dromana twin drive-in

Rodeo drive-in

Transit drive-in

Wheel-in motor movie


WELCOME to my drive-in page. Ever since I was a little kid I loved going to the

Drive-in. as a kid I loved when my dad

Sent me to the snack bar. It was an

Adventure for a little kid. Walking there

In the dark. It was a lot of fun. During my

Teen years it was a lot of fun too. I didn't

See much of the movies back then (if you

Know what I mean). At 38 years old, I still

Love going. Drive-ins are fun!

This page was made by JOHN MARTI. A beginner in the fine

Art of HTML. Send comments to

Internet movie database                E! online                   Las Vegas 6 drive-in

Internet movie database

Movie links

The best video

Store online to

Buy movies

  Drive-in Menu

Drive-in sites

Drive-in theater list

At the snack bar

Box office results

Coming attractions

Oscar watch 99

Las Vegas 6 drive-in

At the snack bar

Drive-in theaters: what happened!

   Judy & John's Drive-in site

Drive-ins from across America

Back in the '50 and '60's the drive-in theater use to be the

Place to bring the family. Since the age of multiplex theaters

The drive-in has been going down hill. Land values are up and theater owners just can't compete. Having a drive-in on

A big parcel of land these days is out of the question. There

Was something clean and wholesome about taking the

Family to the drive-in. I'm glad that there is a least one

Drive-in left here in Las Vegas. 

Back in the '70's there use to be about eight nice drive-ins

Here. But one by one they all disappeared. Going to the

Drive-in as a kid will always live in my memory. Progress

Sometimes really stinks!.   

  Message board

Do you have any good

Drive-in stories to tell?

Search your memory

And post them here on

My message board.

Back in the good old
