
Hi, I am known by all my friends as "Shaggie" because they all say I look like Shaggy from the Scooby Doo shows. I spell my nick name with an "ie" instead of the letter "Y", because I dont want any reason for anyone to sue me for infringement. I live here in Tulsa Oklahoma and work as a computer analyst. I play music with a band called Sidewinder in many areas around Northeastern Oklahoma. Kick back and check out my site, and be sure to sign the guestbook and send me email, as I do like hearing from my visitors, and you can send me an instant message below.

I am totaly redoing this website, so please check back as there are some things I have not put back on here yet.

According to our records, you are number

to have visited us since November 02, 1998
The Gang

Real Name: Scoobert
Age: 7
Height: 12 paws
Weight: 70 lbs.
Likes: Scooby Snacks, Pizza and Ice Cream
Dislikes: Ghost, Demons, Witches and Monsters
Nick Names: Scooby, Scoobster, Scoob and Scooby Dooby Doo
Breed: Great Dane

Real Name: Noorville Rogers
Age: 17
Height: 6ft.
Weight: 160 lbs.
Dress: Pea grean V-neck T-shirt, bell-bottoms and black boots
Hair: Messy
Ambition: None
Favorite Trick: Using ventriloquism to put words in Scooby's mouth, Confounding Villains

Full Name: Velma Dinkley
Age: 15
Height: 4'9"
Weight: 95 lbs.
Dress: Coul-neck sweater, pleated skirt, knee socks, Mary-Janes and black horn-rimmed glasses
Likes: Likes to show her high IQ and try to deduce all theories

Full Name: Daphne Blake
Age: Sweet 16
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 115 lbs.
Ambition: To be a famous mystery writer
Likes: Solving mysteries, looking good
Dislikes: Being bored

Real Name: Fred Jones
Age: 17
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 185 lbs. (all muscle)
Dress: Sweater, ascot, slacks and monk boots
Hair: Blonde

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Graphics By: Kimberly

This site was set up by
Doug "Shaggie" Huffman
Any ideas or suggestions
should be sent to the webmaster @

None of the images or any downloads on this website of Scooby, Shaggy, the Mystery Machine or any of the gang were created by me, nor are they being used for any personal or financial gain, and I claim no ownership of any of them.

SCOOBY-DOO (TM) and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and copyrighted by Hanna Barbera.
© 2000 Warner Home Video.