The Merrian-Webesters Dictionary defines Burlesque: "Too make ludicrious; To mock; Broadley humorous theatrical entertainment consisting of several items such as song, skits and dance."
Ann Corio caused a burlesque revial with her off Broadway hit "This was Burlesque". As Ann was preparing to bring Burlesque back to Broadway she visited some of the current clubs. In her words, "I was appalled. I couldn't believe what had happened. No longer was the strip tease the removal of garmets in a sexy way. Now all of the girls were working with props, most of which were so obscene, I won't even describe them. Some people feel the Burlesque shows of yesterday are tame and passe'. Well I have news for those who feel that way. The power of sex is the power of suggestion. Take a glove off in the right manner, and a man will ask you to marry him. A woman's greatest asset is a man's imagination.
The great girls of my time didn't need any obscene props to to get their messags across. They came out from the wings and transfixed the audience in a hypnotic state of adornation, anticipation, and golden dreams. Yes, they were great girls."
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