Here are some Kevin Quotes that we have come across. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!UPDATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BSB Q&A: Q-Kevin did you ever act like a big bro to the guys?

A-Kevin:It just happens, yeah. It's like my big brothers growing up. They were always on me about things, but I knew that they loved me and cared abotu me. These guys were like family. We've been together for six years, and we've gone through a lot together. It sounds corny, but we fight like brothers and we love each other like brothers. We've never had fist fights, though. Q-What about girlfriend who has one?

A-Kevin:I'm dating someone right now. I've known her for seven years and she really means a lot to me, so we'll see what happens.(That's where Fatima comes in!!!!)

Q- What do you do to beat stress? A-Kevin:When I'm stressing out and thinking about something, I pick up a rag and start cleaning. I used to clen toilets for my father. He ran a summer camp, so I mopped and swept floors. I have no problems with getting down and cleaning up. I'm a neat freak. I can't stand clutter being left around.

Q- What were you like in school? A-Kevin:I was very involved in school. Acting, singing, sports.

Q- Will you guys be rocking with the BSB for a long time? A-Kevin:That seems to be the big thing with the press. Now that we've gotton kinda successful, they're like, "Ah, they'll be gone in a year" or " They wont last". But I feel as long as we keep making hit records and nobody gets thrown in jail or goes crazy, We can make records as long as we want.

Funny Stage Antics:

Kevin: In Hamburg at a show, [a problem at] the airport made our mics malfunction. At the time it stunk. Now it’s kinda funny.

Private thoughts before show time:

Kevin:Putting on a good show…..

Rituals' Before going on stage:

Kevin: Get dressed, warm up, vocal cords, sound check, group prayer……Showtime!

The Dark side of the road:

Kevin: I like trying foods from different places….but after a while I miss some good all American food.

Life on the road:

Kevin: A lot of fun, a lot of work, and sometimes a little lonely(aw!! (It’s okay Kevin.)It’s what I’ve always dreamed of!

What he brings on the road with him:

Kevin: I always bring my CD player, CD’s, magazines, books, pictures of my family…

When Teen Beat did an interview with the BSB's, they asked them if they were coming back with their tour Kevin said: "We'll be coming to party in your town soon"~*God he's so cute*

Another Inteview Teen beat did:

TeenBeat:With your debut CD going multi platinum,are you nervous or pressured about the next CD?

Kevin:"Most of the pressure is just what we put on ourselves.We always want to just keep progressing,making better music,better videos,putting on better shows and keep growing".

TeenBeat:Have you guys had a chance to do any song writting?

Kevin:"We've already recieved a couple of demos from the Bee Gees.Barry Gibb acutually sent a demo in with his voice on it for us.We're excited about the possibility of doing some work with him.The band is also going to work with Denniz Pop and Max Martin,the responsible for "As Long As You Love Me,""Quit Playing Games,"and "BackStreet's Back."There's a possibility that we might work with Diane Warren[who has writtin song for, amoung others, Celine Dion,Monica,and 98Degrees]and may be Teddy Riley from Blackstreet".

This is an interview some Teen Magazine over seas did. It was an interview with the whole group, but here is what Kevin said.

1) What kind of girl do you go for?

"I don't have a specific type, but I like ones who dress sexy and classy at the same time. That doesn't mean that they have to wear mini skirts. I like to spend time with a girl, just talk and get to know her. Physical appearence isn't important. The important thing is being able to speak to each other as equals. She must be clever and sure of herself."

2) Are you snogging (?) anyone at the moment?

"No, we're all as free as the air. It does get a little lonely I guess. Sometimes I tell myself that love is a waste of time. There are just too many good-looking girls in the world to want to settle down with one. If I had to choose, it would be a toss between Michelle Pfeiffer and elle MacPherson. I prefer girls with a nice smile and a good sense of humor."

3) Have you ever been involved in a serious relationship?

"I was engaged when I was 19. I was far too young. We went out for a year, we thought we were meant for each other. In fact, we eventually realized that we had nothing in common. At the time my father had died of cancer and I needed a relationship to have some comfort."

4) Have you ever two-timed a girl?

"Yes , I have. It just sorta happened. I felt very guilty afterwards and vowed I would never cheat on a girl again. You have to be honest with someone if you're in a relationship, otherwise you'll never be happy."

5) What is the most romantic thing you have ever done?

"One day my girlfriend had to get up early to go to the doctor. I got up at five o'clock and prepared breakfast for her. Freshly squeezed orange juice, muesli and bananas, toast, and coffee. I picked some flowers from the garden and put them in a small vase on a breakfast tray. I slipped quietly in her bedroom and put the tray down at her side. She was happy." ~*Aw!He's so sweet!*

Here is another interview by a magazine called "Superstars"

Superstars: Okay fill in the blank. The worst date I ever went on was when... "I went to this concert and my date left with someone else."

Superstars: How much time do you give a relationship to work?

"It really depends on the person and the situation at hand."

Superstars: Has anyone ever broken your heart?

"YES!!"~*It's ok Kevin hang in there*.

Superstars: I'd stay home if I thought I could...

"Shoot hoops or write music."

Superstars: I hope I never have to...

"Stop playing music."

Superstars: You would never believe it if you saw me...

"Nervous before a performance. I always get nervouse before a performance."
Superstars: My all time biggest food binge happened when...

"I was at a family party."

Superstars: If I was on a desert island, I'd want these three things...

"Food, water, and someone to share it with."

Superstars: Why is your best friend "best"?

"Because they are themselves."

Superstars: How did you know he or she would be a best friend?

"Because they were sincere."

Superstars: What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

"Ben & Jerry's Peanut Butter and Chocolate."

Superstars: What's the one thing you won't leave home without?

"Saying goodbye."

Kevin on the girl of his dreams:

"Her personality, her energy, pressence and appearence are important to me."

Kevin on music:

"I love what I do, but someday I want to do something different."

Kevin on being an old fashion boy:

"My mom and dad taught me to be polite, so I always believe ladies first."

I ran across this on a Yugoslavian fan's page.

Kevin... Is attracted to the type of girl who can accept the fact that he's not the most outgoing fellow in the world. "I'm a shy guy," says Kevin, adding that this is especiall true when it comes to introducing himself to a girl. "Sometimes I think to much abut what I'm going to say to somebody or what they are going to think."

What Kevin shouts out to fans:

"You better watch out! 'Cause we're going to pop out like a storm!"

Some more things he said.

Do mermaids exist?

"Of course they do! I used to see them all the time at Disney!"

"I don't really dream that much at night...But I woke up one night, feeling like I can't move my body, and like something is sitting on my chest...And except that, Howie and I were kidnapped by aliens!...Just kidding...!"

What have you done this morning?

"Jumped in the shower, and scalded myself really badly with hot water to wake myself up, then I turned it really cold so to help get over the jet lag, good for the circulation."

Have you ever had any "accidents" on stage?

"Things like that are always happening. I, for example, have an incredible ability to drop the microphone..."

"I met the sexy dancers from Mr. Presiden and Master Boy, but there was nothing more than flirting-I go to sleep early."

"We've been together every day for four years now. At first you had to learn what would set everybody off, but now it's like family. I had never had a little brother, but now I've got four. We don't get along perfectly. we have our arguments, but they get worked out."

About the small holiday the BSB had:

Kevin stayed home in Orlando, "I just wanted to relax. I do enough traveling with the band. To me, a real holiday is being able to relax at home and just catch up with friends and stuff."

"Valentine's Day means to me. I guess it just seems to me that when Valentines Day came around, if I was having a problem in a relationship it always seemed to work itself out around that day, with some flowers and a card or some candies or something special...So Valentines Day just seems like all the relationships seem to be in harmony around that time of year. So, it is just a day for lovers. And that's what Valentines Day means to me. Happy Valentines Day."

If you have any more quotes from Kevin Please email me and I will be glad to put it on my site and personally give you credit for it.



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