Reawen's Page
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Due to the fact that I've been adding on pages on various topics, I've decided that it would be far better, and more easily navigable, to make one page dedicated to nothing other than showing your choices, and giving you a place to launch from. In addition to the links to other pages, I've added the options to log in to several popular web-based email programs and/or access 165 different search engines directly from my page. I hope you enjoy! And please, any comments or suggestions are appreciated! Feel free to email me or page me through my ICQ.

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Information about Star Wars Episodes Pics and Brief Character Biographies About Reawen Reawen's Online Friends Beginners HTML Image Gallery
The Dominican Republic
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Gorywynn's Page Hothead2000's Page

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Select a search engine from the drop down menu on the left of this applet. (Each button on the right provides a different list to choose from) Then type what you want to search on where it says "Criteria" and hit "Go." A separate window will open to show your results.

Web search applet by Hans Wolters.

This page has had visits since 26 November 1998.

This page was last updated on 10 March 2000.

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