As background for your webpage, you can choose a solid color or use a picture or pattern (there is a picture behind this page).
If you use a picture/pattern, it is a good idea to also set a background color as close to that of the picture as possible.
Sometimes background pictures take awhile to load up and until then you are stuck with a white background. Depending on your
font colors, you may not be able to read the page very well until the background picture loads up. For instance, if you set a
background for a "space-related" webpage, you might want to have a background that's black with stars on it. If your font color
was white, or light yellow, it might show up very well on the dark background. But before the background loaded up, there would
be only white behind it, and the font would not show up. If you set a background color, however, it will
provide a backdrop for your page until the background picture loads. In this instant, you would probably want to set your
background color as black, since it is closest to the picture color.
Setting the background is part of the <body> tag. For color you use bgcolor=" " and for a picture you
use background=" ". These "attributes" go after the word <body, but before the closing > bracket,
like this: