Reawen's HTML Help
~Begin Making Your Page~

If you don't know where to write your code, you have a few options. You can use the space provided by GeoCities (the "Advanced Editor" - to access this, go to the GeoCities members area and, after you've logged in, click on "my website." There is a link there for the Editor) or you can use something on your computer (I write mine in Windows' "Notepad"). When you use the Advanced Editor, you need to SAVE your work. If you use Notepad or some other program, save it, then "upload" the file in the file manager. Get into the file manager - there's a link there from the members' area - and scroll down to the "EZ File Upload." Use the browse button to find your file, open it so that it appears in the box, then choose "upload files." Remember that your files of HTML code must have the extension .html and the page you want as your main page must be called index.html This page called index.html will be the one assigned to the address GeoCities give you - other pages of yours (completely separate or linked) will have the address of your index page followed by the file name of that page of code. Here's an example:

My main page ("Reawen's Page") has the following address or URL:
On that page, I have a link to my page listing my online friends. The file of code for that page is called "Friends.html" This is the address or URL of my "Online Friends" page:

Except for a few exceptions, HTML commands have opening and closing tags ("tags" are the codes enclosed in < > brackets). to close a tag, you put a "/" before the command inside the brackets. You'll see this in examples in the other sections.

Everything written between the < and > will not show up on your page. (Other than the "comment" tag, which I've explained under under "Helpful Hints" on the main HTML page, everything beween the < and > is information for the browsers to interpret.)

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