Reawen's Star Wars Info

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This page consists mostly of information about the Star Wars movies, new and old. If it's Star Wars you're interested in, head on down to the info, and be sure to try out the other Star Wars links there.
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Episodes IV, V, and VI
Well, if you're looking for information, pics, and sound clips from the Star Wars trilogy, you've come to the right place. You might want to skim what I've got to say just below this, then head on to my main Star Wars page. Just follow the links, and you'll be on your way... Careful, though, for "Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny - consume you, it will!" (Yoda)
Episodes I, II, and III
These new movies are obviously supposed to tell the story BEFORE Luke Skywalker, mostly involving his father Anakin (before he became Darth Vader). They should jive nicely with the others - Lucas actually outlined these three BEFORE he made the others so that he could have more of a background for his characters and therefore make them more real. Episodes I, II, and III follow the outline he made so many years ago. It's a completion to a long-running project. :-) So take a little trip to "a theatre near you" when they come out!
I NEED YOUR OPINIONS: I'd like to set up a link off of this one for critic reviews from the real viewers. After you've seen the movie, head back here and click on one of my email links and let me know what you though about the movie! Thanks!
EPISODE I: Has now been released!!! Episode I, The Phantom Menace, was released Wednesday, May 19th. I went to see it at midnight on Tuesday (which was actually really early Wednesday). It's a bit of a different pace from the original Star Wars trilogy, but I still thought it was a great movie (as if there was any doubt it would be!). Episode I has much more comic relief than the originals... It was a bit wierd to see the Emperor and his followers before their positions were secure as such. For any of you who haven't been really hard-core Star Wars fans, I think you can still appreciate the movie on its own. For those of you who are as hard-core as I am (and have the trilogy practically memorized), there were several lines and references to places snuck in there that you'll connect to the others (like the line about being "bantha fodder").
Go check out Wierd Al's new song "The Saga Begins" in streaming audio - it's all about Episode I, The Phantom Menace.
EPISODE II: From what I've heard, Episode II is the "love story" (what did you expect? Luke and Leia had to come into being somehow!!). I believe it's scheduled to be released in 2002.
EPISODE III: I believe this includes the transition from Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader. I think it's scheduled to be released in 2005.
Episodes VII, VIII, and IX ??
There has been some question about whether or not George Lucas would continue the Star Wars saga with episodes after the original trilogy. Last I heard, however, Lucas has decided NOT to make sequels and doubts he will allow anyone else to, saying "It's MY thing." :) Obviously, I didn't get this information straight from George Lucas, though, so I suppose we may be pleasantly surprised.

For some pics of the characters, a brief "biography" of them, a few sound clips from the movie, and a couple links to other Star Wars pages, Click Here! The page may take a while to load, but be patient! :)
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Click on the picture below to go to the official Star Wars Episode I page!

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This page was last updated on 18 August 1999.