My Dearest Dream,

I lay awake in sleepless wonder. Are you dreaming of me on this starless night or are you wondering if I’m dreaming of you?
On these nights away from you I look at the moon and confide in it my sadness and lonesomeness. It’s always there shimmering down on me confirming another day has passed and the days away from you are dwindling down.
As night passes into day I see my tears of loneliness turn into refreshing rain that renews my spirits bringing a new start to the new day.
Still I constantly think of you, wondering how you are and what you are doing. Will I hear from you or shall I call to hear your voice so sweet?
Why does distance have to be so hard? I’d give anything to be in your arms tonight instead of spending another sleepless night alone thinking of you
All I want is to see your handsome face smiling back at me. To hear you tender voice saying the words I so long to hear. To be safe in you’re strong arms. Most of all to feel you’re passionate kisses taking me into sheer bliss.
But as I spend another sleepless night alone my spirits are not dampened because I have the moon, my memories of you and your love, the thought of another day gone bye, and a day closer to seeing you. I miss you my dearest dream.

Love Your Dreamer

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Written by Carrie Thomas