"Do you truely love them"
I dunno how I feel today, my life is all confused
first I'm having great times, next I'm in the blues
I dont know how im suppose to feel
with all these questions pressing near
There is one I love but I have to move on
it's like making myself disappear and be gone.
I think my friends are all annoying
but hey thats life isnt it boring?
I think it's true I'm over him
but why do I feel like I'm standing on the rim
Yes I figured it out it's true
I think I'm starting to leave the blues
I met a new one close to my age
I don't think I'm gonna have to live with this rage
It's true I'm over him right NOW
I don't have to spend the nights crying aloud
I'm gonna get to know him more
I think this will be a new explore
He seems great all together!
This is worth it I can pull it together.
He has that smile that melts your knees
It's way more precious then the stinging of bees
Yeah the one I loved before
I will still have this thing for him forever more
I don't seriously mean my friends are all annoying like I said
but when your mad and your sitting in your bed.
I think you see where I'm taking this
I don't need to explain it
Like I said this is life
and live it to the fullest
When you think you found the one you'll know it in your heart
Words won't describe the feelings that you have
Never lose that moment and never forget them either
because boy I'm telling you you'll regret it forever
So if your still young and you think you have it bad
Just smile it away and dont get all mad
Just forgive the one you thought you loved
and just let time tell you where you stand above
So don't take it personal and live until you die
because what happens now is worth the whole time
Author ~ Gina R.