"What is goin' on here girl??"

" This is not the average Hercules site...."

" I don't know what you doing girlfriend..."

"Cause this ain't no kids site!!"


Hey, this is Callisto here, Godess of Tartarus, pleased to meet yas. Ok, here is the warning.

This is NOT a kids site at all. You enter at your own risk. I agree with Hel, a friend of mine, that I don't have to censor my site. However, there is no need to fear, for I do not have anything really bad up on the site, well, not yet--LOL--I am just stating that if anything offends you, than that is your problem. I have nothing really bad up, but if I were to ever want to, that is my choice. Oh, and don't let the goth stuff scare ya. I am not a death worshiper.