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Dragonball: Born, Feb. 26, 1986, Every thing Ended, Nov. 21, 1997. Different Series: Dragonball... Dragonball Z... Dragonball GT... Episodes aired: Dragonball: 153... Dragonball Z: 291... Dragonball GT: 64 Total Episodes Aired: 508... The most in animation history. Closest Competitor episode wise, The Simpsons. Episodes: 200+. Movies Created... Dragonball: 4... Dragonball Z: 13 movies, 2 T.V. specials... Dragonball GT: 1 T.V. special. Dragonball Z is currently being Aired on Cartoon Network everyday at 5:00 P.M. It began airing Aug. 31 1998. The first two sesons aired then are being repeated. New episodes are slated for the Fall of this year. Click to download the NAHC Fanfic, The Never Ending Hunt WEBRINGS Do you have the guts to use YOUR Ki?? Clubs Baby Yeah!!! Adopt a Lady from DBZ, or FFVII Join the Club, become and Ally! Ain't they CUTE!!!! My Adopted thingies!! Create your OWN Fusions with ANYONE YOU WANT!!! Get your own E-Mail Through ME Dionon Come challenge your mind in my Tortur...ah I mean Quiz Updates area. **Update: 12/05/99... God, It's been a long time. Sorry, but the only update is that my first attempt at fanfiction is up now in the DBZ Fanfics area** Win an Award! Awards I've won. My collection of Gems awaits your eyes. Links, Links, and MORE links Add your link to my ever growing collection E-Mail Dionon with yuor questions comments, and general thingies. View the Guestbook Come see my banners

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