Before you learn how to preform irish dancing, ther are a few things you should learn
first. They are the basics of irish dancing, and while they may not seem necessary, they are very important. The basics included here are correct arm,foot and posture.
Make sure that your head is up and that your eyes are looking at the audience. Know the time signature of the dance in your head and it will make preforming the dance much easier.


Make sure that your back is traight and that your shoulders are back.
There should be no body movement from the waist up.


Turn your left ffot out so that it faces away and is pointing to the left in a north-
westerly direction.Now take your right foot and point it off to the right in a north-
easterly direction. Make sure that the heel of your right foot is lined up with the toe of your left foot. This is called heel-to-toe position and is the basic starting position used when begining any type of irish dance.


Arm position in irish dancing is a common problem.
Start by making your hands into fists.Now pull you arms straight down by your sides,
and put your shoulders back. If your arms have a tendancy to  come away from your sides, there is a trick that you can use tostop them from doing that. Simply take your arms , and interlace your your fingerstogether so that your hands are locked  behind your back.