The creator of this site would like to thank the following people for their help in creating this website:

Karen Nicholas, for her kind permission to reproduce the Celtic web art used on this site.

Carrie and Ben: for helping me to sign up in the geocities.

All the geocities staff: who helped me to figure out what was going on with my site and for getting me out of a few tight spots.

Brenda Wilson : who lent a huge helping hand in getting my links to work.

Everyone at Collins and Brown : for their kind permission to reproduce the information on the Book of Kells.

Mr. Curtis: who helped me to get going on this site and who let me work in the computer lab even when there was a class in progress.

Liam O'Neill for linking my site to his and for being kind enough to respond to my  e-mails.

Criosa for help to establish me on the Irish dance webring.

To all the artists for letting me review their CD's and for letting me link to theirs sites.


Irish Knotwork on this site courtesy of