Joker9911 Page
Name: Allen On
Sex: Male
Birthday: 20th January 1980
BirthPlace: Brunei
Occupation: Student
Institution: University of Manchester
Course: BA Accounting and Finance
Interest: Chatting n Surfing
Mirc Channel: #Bruneian (Undernet)
ICQ: 22572939
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Just a bit of introduction.... My name as you can see above......Allen On.....I was born in Brunei and grew up there.

  I studied in St George's School from Primary 1 to 6 before proceeding to St. Andrew's School and graduated from Secondary 5 in 1996. In March 1997, I entered Maktab Duli and finally graduated from school in 1998. On Sept 1999, I took my first step to study abroad in UK. It was a challenging decision and frankly speaking, it was also the turning point of my life. A point where I began to learn to be independent, self-discipline and lots more. I live in a hall of residence and since it is a self-catered one, I have learned how to cook and is still in the process of learning (might be a chef in future Who knows!!!).

  My ambition is to be a accountant or something to do with $$. However, a further goal in my life is to be my own boss. So wish me luck! I am not a very active person in sport, however, badminton is one sport which I enjoy most even until today. During my free time, I will "melepak" or do something which I like such as watching movie, limteh, surfing, chatting ...blah blah......

  My principle in life is "What is yours will be yours". So I never like to go after things which are not mine or daydreaming. I prefer the natural process of life and take things as it comes.

  I will end my bullshit here as I can feel that u are feeling a bit bored with all this "siao liam"
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