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The Joel Train

The Joel Train is a fanzine for the drooling, hormonal groupies of Joel Hodgson. Any person of any sexual orientation (even people who DON'T have such feelings about Joel) are welcome aboard. It was intended to be a monthly publication, and later it was intended to be a tri-monthly publication. Well, it's been several years and there's only been two issues, and I'm afraid there's not going to be any more in the future. But, well, I guess that's the way the Joelcookie crumbles. And there'll always be these back issues.

The Joel Train is no longer in publication. Many of you have been wondering about the autographed picture of Joel that I have frequently promised as an incentive for Joelstories. Well, if I ever find it in my many boxes of junk, I will give it to ONE of you, probably someone drawn at random from my mailing list. Hell, I'll even send off the one he autographed specifically for me if you don't mind the fact that it says "Carrie" on it. I apologize to any of you who may have been anticipating the third issue of The Joel Train, and I apologize to the person who never got her issue of GENII.

Any more questions that you have can be directed to me at, or they might be answered simply by reading the back issues.

This has been your Self-proclaimed Retired Joelgirl Grand Poobah, Carrie "No Nickname" Dahlby speaking. I hope you enjoy your ride here at The Joel Train.


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