This site was designed by me. As were the backgrounds, banners, titles, buttons, etc. Other information and images on this site were gathered from the Internet and WWW and are assumed to be public property. If you are the owner of the rights to any information and/or images on this site, please e-mail me at the address below so that I might credit you, or remove the material in question. Want to tell me about something? Well, you can do that if ya want... EMAIL: joshinator@geocities.com. Hey! Want to show this nifty banner so that all the enlightened people KNOW how cool you are when they visit your site? Just link to my banner by copying the link location and drop it into your web page! You'll reap the benefits of super coolness! Hey again! I'm on my company's web site! It's a pretty lame profile, but there is a VERY revealing photo of me!... MetaCreations Profile