Dave's Links
This is a picture of me in High School. I've grown up a lot since then. I only read statistics in the bathroom, own red (not blue) bow ties, and got my glasses fixed. Coolness, here I come.
This page is dedicated to my friends and family, because they are the only people who could conceivably find this web site, and I want them to keep coming back. A very special thanks goes out to my friend Mike, who besides getting me indicted on several counts of indecent exposure, told me how to find the web page editor I am now using. Thanks Mike. (for the web thing, not the flasher thing) Anyway, this is new and improved, I have 2MB free thanks to my new server. Want one? Check out www.geocities.com, and the rest is easy. I have finally been able to create my masterpiece of a web page, so please don't be shy. Scroll down to my links and take a visit.
This man is a homosexual!!
(public service announcement)