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Welcome to one of the best "Friends" resource pages on the World Wide Web!

This isn't 'just another Friends-page', this is The One With Everything !!!

Everything you're looking for about Friends, is here. You name it, we've got it. So


Image Gallery

Episode Guide


Phoebe's Songbook

Movie Clips

Sound Clips

And More...

I hope everyone likes this page, but there could always be some minor adjustments to make it better. So if you do have any suggestions, please mail them to me. Also mail me when you find something that isn't working. Only one more thing: If your access-provider allows you to have your own Homepage and you don't want to make one, you could help to make this page even better! I could use your free space to put even more pictures, sounds, etc. on this page, and your name will be mentioned also off course! Mail me at

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