
Rated: R

Starring: James Marsden, Lena Headey, Norman Reedus, Joshua Jackson and Sharon Lawrence.

Written By: Gregory Poirier

Produced By: Village Roadshow Productions and Outlaw Productions

Distributed By: Warner Bros. Pictures

Directed By: Davis Guggenheim

A chilling suspense drama with a suprise ending.

The 8th deadly sin: Gossip.

The story starts out in a college campus where a college professor is lecturing about gossip and peoples need to gossip, he calls on students to make an arguement about it. The movie really starts out as our three protagonists (or are they antagonists)are enjoying themselves in a strange bar, they drink a bit of daquiri's and then all of a sudden get kicked out. I thought that scene was hard to follow, but later on it doesn't. We find them at the college taking the professor's class. One of the three Derrick (James Marsden) starts acting all know it all. The Proffesor likes Derrick's style. Later on our three protagonists are in their colorful dorm (Joel Schumacher of "Batman Forever" with the color scheme again did the same in "9MM") and their planning their bit of gossip, but don't know who yet. At a dance club they find their puppet a rich girl and her date (Joshua Jackson as the date) Derrick finds them in an inopportune time and starts up the rumor the next day, well maybe it was his dorm mate Jones (Lena Headey) who started it up. soon the gossip is out of control to the point of rape, now its hard to tell the truth when the truth was a lie or is it? This movie had turns around every corner, who did what? who did this? what happend here? and it leaves us with a suprise ending that is more fullfilling of what happend. It actually works. Each what the? was a hint. Cleverly placed in the web of confusion that makes up this movie. You don't know what's going on while you think you know what's going on. Gossip is truly the 8th deadly sin. 9/10 Good characters suspenseful plot, suprise ending that works but some strange dialogue from Derrick later in film drops it one point as well as some confusing scenes. 99%/100% they could have let the colors not be so bold on film but otherwise pretty good. 1