Here are Some JavaScript examples I've used. They are generally easy to use and impliment. Look like a pro, and learn while you do it!
This first one I use when you click on my picture of the Sleeping Beauty Castle. When you put the mouse over it, you won't see the usual "" in the bottom statusbar. You'll see the words..."Click here to see pictures of Disneyland." I find this command VERY helpful to my visitors. They'll always know where they are going.
<A HREF="pics1.html" onMouseOver="window.status='Click here to see pictures of Disneyland'; return true">Click here for pics</A>
Another good tool when used correctly, and I've seen it used very incorrectly,-for example, on a commercial web page to sell me additional products-is the onLoad command.
It looks like this in your background line:"Links.shtml","DisplayWindow","toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=yes,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,copyhistory=no,width=300,height=320")
Just add it after you add your final color.
Where it says Links.shtml add the webpage you want loaded. If you want a toolbar, change it to yes. If you want a status bar, then keep that at yes. And so on with menubar etc. Always try to keep the width and height fairly small, remember this is NOT the main window. Expect to play around with these numbers a bit until you are happy. And make sure every link in your new box has the -main tag following it. If it doesn't the pages will load in your small box, causing a lot of problems!
So you want any link in your small box to look like this:
<a href=" target="_main">
More tips following soon.
Want Dr. DisneyFreak to answer your JavaScript question? E-mail me at: