This is where you meet your commanding officer and the creator of this homepage. |
Greetings, My name is Jon and I made this homepage. If you enjoyed it I would appreciate your E-mail. This is pretty much the only part of this homepage that isn't like the Stormtrooper Academy so I will be open. I don't really remember the first time I saw Star Wars I just know that I did. I've always liked Star Wars really. I know there are some people that are starting to like it since the Special Edition came out but I learned about the Special Edition ahead of time from the Star Wars Insider. That would have to be my favorite magazine. If you are one of those fans that came with the Special Edition that's fine. I personally like anyone who likes Star Wars. I feel a special bond with fans like myself. I like all of the characters, special effects, and all of those things whether they are in the Rebellion or the Empire but I always liked Stormtroopers. I think they have the best costumes, all of the different kinds. Right now I am making a stormtrooper blaster rifle and I hope to start on my armor soon. I went to the vacuum-forming site and learned how to do it all. the address is in my links. Iwas going to follow the instructions from the other Make your own Stormtrooper Costume site until I found the one on vacuum-forming. I don't know, I may do both. Enjoy my page and may the force be with you.