As he sat there, his coffee cup in hand
Contemplating the ring on his finger
Remembering how he thought love was so grand
when they first met--he let his thoughts linger
It's only been a year
Since they pledged their wedding vows
Now he's sitting here
Feeling somewhat empty as he rubs his brows
Mostly feeling guilty
That his love seems to have died
Lusting after other women
His freedom denied
An ache in his heart
As he asks himself why
This feeling persists
Tears well up in his eyes
Not wanting to become
A statistic of divorce
He prayed hard to the Lord
To keep him on a straight course
Choking as he fights back the tears
Begging the Lord to give him a sign
Wanting the marriage to last for years
And wanting peace in his heart and mind
He rises and heads for his book shelf
Searches in book after book
Looking for this sign, a sign of help
Not knowing really where to look
Uncontrollable now, his tears flow
His chest feels tight-he grasps for air
Wondering when he will know
If the Lord has heard his prayer
Suddenly, peacefulness overcomes his mind
A picture of the bible flashes before him
This was the message from the Lord, his sign
To read the bible and find his answers within
Feeling comfort now, his mind at rest
He reads "The Book" silently
Knowing he's just passed temptation's test
He thanks HIM reverently
COPYRIGHT © Edie Bael FEB.2001