Depression, darkness, Despair
I felt like my life was going nowhere
Dreams broken, shattered
Hopes like bubbles, burst
Nothing mattered
My life seemed to be getting worse
Light at the end of the tunnel
nowhere to be found
Tears flowing continuous
I felt like I would drown
Didn't even know why I felt that way
I couldn't seem to shake it
I just existed day to day
I couldn't take it
One day I prayed silently and long
waiting for Him to light up my heart
And then I heard His hopeful song
And new dreams and hopes began to start
I'm thankful that He was there
Ready to give of His love
to let me know He heard my prayer
from where He sits above
Life has so much to offer I now can see
I'm enjoying it everyday
I'm so glad He answered me
So that now I can share the joy with everyone
I meet along the way
Copyright© January 2001 Edith Bael