Heading off
to work in my Camaro Z-28
I'm a tad early
I hate to be late

On the road ahead
What do I see?
A couple of those SUVs
Both drivers each have a cell phone stuck to their ear
I hate being stuck at their rear!!!

If I had my way, I'd blast them to the side
so I can continue on with a smooth ride
Do you ever wonder why road rage results?
From all those careless type adults!
They drive along like stupid fools
Don't even follow the road rules

Oh my gosh! Without even looking, one's changing lanes
Almost hit a car
Oh Lord! Almost hit another again!

Oh goodness! The other SUV driver
cut in fronf of that pickup truck
Oh no, they collided, she's out of luck!
The SUV spins and flips over on its side
That driver's lucky if she's still alive

I finally get off the freeway
It should now be a safer drive
Oops! I spoke too soon
Another SUV driver pulled out from the side
I blast my horn, I'm so mad!
But he flips me off, that stupid cad!
I let out a curse, "I hope you have those Firestone tires
that explode so your driving days will expire!!"

What is it about people that drive those big SUVs?
They just drive so carelessly!
They pull out of parking lots at unsafe speeds
Of approaching traffic they don't take heed
Pedestrians don't even get their right of way
I just heard an SUV driver ran down a pedestrian today!
She was a pregnant young woman, if you please
She lost her baby, now she grieves
That SUV driver hit and ran
I hope they find him as fast as they can!

They should have a law that
before you can buy an SUV
you have to take a special driving class
to learn how to drive one proficiently

Well, this is my road rage for the day
Take warning and stay out of my way!!

Copyright©2000 Edie Bael