Cheats must be typed into the game console.
To activate the console, press the enter key on your num pad:
Superman - enables invincibility
TeamSuperman - enables team invincibility
Shadow - enables invisibility
TeamShadow - enables team invisibility
run - Increases your running speed by 10
ammo - unlimited ammo
refill - refills entire inventory
autowin - automatically completes mission
quit - exits Ghost Recon
kit - changes your kit to the file you specify
tracers - toggles display of tracers
teleport - teleports you to the specified position in the
god - unknown (appears to take values that are multiples of
2 and throws you real high in the sky and sets the ground
on fire)
extremepaintball - Paintball Mode
cisco - Achieves objectives one at a time, "sic 'em boy"
chickenrun - Unkown ("Jeff loves chicken!")
boom - Shakes your screen
ToggleShowPerfCounters - toggles performance counters
ToggleShowFrameRate - toggles frame rate
ToggleShowTotalStats - toggles total stats
ToggleShowLevelStats - toggles level stats
ToggleShowActorStats - toggles actor stats
ToggleShowInterfaceStats - toggles interface stats
ToggleShowEffectsStats - toggles effect stats
ToggleShowTextureMemoryStats - toggles texture memory stats
ToggleShowSystemMemoryStats - toggles system memory stats
ToggleAI - toggles AI