The Continuing Story of Deep Space 2: Page 128
The gateship with aboard Droid 4, Chief Engineer Louis and Admiral Arthur, moved away from Deep Space 2 rather slowly. It was clear now that Admiral Arthur had the genetic ability to control Ancient technology. Flying the gateship was no problem for him. While Droid 4 gave some last instructions about the weapons, Arthur returned the gateship back to spacedock.
"Admiral, these weapons are very powerful. More powerful than Starfleet quantum torpedoes. But I am afraid to say these Ancient weapons cannot be integrated into Federation systems. If I may sir, I will search the Deep Space 2 crew for more crewmembers who have the same genetic ability to operate the technology of the Ancients."
"Very good idea Droid 4. I will see to it that the crew cooperates."
"Thank you Admiral. Please be careful with the landing. You are coming in rather fast."
Arthur concentrated on the landing in Deep Space 2 spacedock. He was indeed coming in to fast. Deep Space 2 Operations was not happy at all.
"Deep Space 2 Operations to Gateship 1. You are coming in to fast. Reduce speed. Reduce speed sir. Thank you sir. Gateship 1 you can land on platform 17."
"Acknowledged Deep Space 2 Operations, Platform 17."
Only a moment later the gateship landed on the designated platform. When the officers stepped out Colonel Jan Theys was waiting for them, together with Lieutenant Thomas, dressed in marine uniform. Both of them saluted. The Admiral nodded.
"Lieutenant Thomas, I think someone is waiting for you to go through that gate. But I want Droid 4 to stay in the gate control room. Droid 4 will assign 3 gate droids to your team. That is not open for discussion. Dismissed."
While Louis, Jan and Arthur returned to their regular duties, Droid 4 piloted the gateship back to the platform in the gate complex on the ice planet DSA-2. He assigned Droids 41, 402 and 403 to the Thomas' team. First they had to pack some gear. It was not the intention to be discovered on the planet Znobad. That was their target. The planet Znobad was uninhabited, but could be used as testing ground for the first mission. An hour later Deep Space 2 was contacted from the gate complex.
"Deep Space 2 Operations, this is the gate complex. The first mission to the uninhabited planet Znobad is ready to go. We wait for your orders."
"Gate complex, this is the Admiral. You have a go."
Droid 41 piloted the gateship down into the gateroom. He pushed the symbols on the control panel, the stargate started spinning and locked the same symbols, as requested. A moment later Gateship 1 moved into the puddle of the ring and disappeared. The wormhole was disconnected and the shield was activated.
On the other side of the wormhole Gateship 1 appeared and immediately cloaked. The invisibility of the gateship made that it was not detected. Not that it would matter on a not inhabited planet, but this was the way the procedures would be followed... by the numbers. But it was not for long that the rest was distrubed. Sensors detected more than a few ships in orbit of the planet. It was not clear whether these ships had people aboard to colonize the planet Znobad. But one thing was sure: There were two species, and they were at war. Ships of one species were attacking the other. Lieutenant Thomas was only a spectator. He could not interfere...
It was not clear who these species were and what they were doing at this planet. Droid 41 was able to intercept the communications between the fleets. The battle was about two species, the Yuin and the Seart. Apparently the Yuin wanted the planet Znobad for colonization, while the Seart wanted the planet for the resources. Now there were twelve Yuin battelships fighting 21 Seart cruisers. Apparently the Yuin had already sent ground troops to the surface, ready to set up defenses on the planet. But apparently the Seart had an advantage.
"Lieutenant Thomas. The gate is activated. We do not expect Deep Space 2 gate control to make a connection for 89 minutes. It has to be somebody else."
And again the Deep Space 2 team could only watch as the gate on Znobad started spinning. A few moments later, Seart troops came through the gate on foot, but with heavy weapons. The deployed the weapons and started to fire on the Yuin ground troops, taking them completely by surprise. The Yuin didn't have a chance and were whiped out. The Seart troops brought more and heavier weapons through the gate and used them to fire on the Yuin ships, with limited success. It took only one Yuin ship to decent and bombard the Seart troops. This was a moment that Droid 4 was getting worried.
"Lieutenant Thomas, if the Yuin destroy the gate, or block the gate, while they bombard the Seart troops, we cannot go back home."