Here's the test if you answer yes to at least 5 questions, You're a roar addict so get over it.
Do you think most of your co-workers look like characters on ROAR?
Can you not believe how stupid Fox network is?
Do you think Celtic, Roman, and Druid people have a sexy taste?
Do you have the names of the ROAR characters stuck in your head?
Do you have a pet or child named after a ROAR character?
Do you feel smarter than the majority of the population because you watch ROAR?
Have you shopped for torques, spears, or tattoo designs in last 2 1/2 months?
Can you name all the actors/actresses in ROAR?
Do you correct people's history?
Has anyone ever called you a roar addict to your face?
Addition to the Roar Addict information:
If you see a rock and view it as an ancient weapon instead of just a plain old might be a roar addict.
If you can spell the actor's names right the first might be a roar addict
If you have switched religions to pagan...your might be a roar addict
If you contemplate sleeping on the hard floor or even going outside to sleep on the cold ground to feel closer to the land and hear it Roar! might be a roar addict.
If strong black coffee no longer calms your cravings for Roar and you begin to shake violently and scream maniacally until they haul you away.... you might be a roar addict.
If Conor taught you how to might be a roar addict
If you see visions of The Father instead of the Virgin Mary on walls, windows and might be a roar addict
If you mistakenly call your children with a character name from might be a roar addict ("Conor! What are you doing?" "I mean Nathan! What are you doing up there?" Nathan: "Mom, who's Conor? and why are you looking at me like that when you call his name.")
If you trade in your Porsche for a might be a roar addict.
<< Another addition to the Roar Addict information:>>
::grins at Leigh's additions, nodding at a few of them, and adds more::
- If you dream of the characters or actors from Roar...
- If you find yourself doodling in Celtic knotwork and tribal tattoo designs during class, which amazingly just seem to resemble Roar tattoos...
- If the historical inaccuracies on the show don't bother you anymore, but you know they still would if they appeared anywhere else.... [btw, a major YES on this one for me.....a few days ago, I got into an argument with someone because they claimed Rome had control of Ireland at one point and I yelled, "you idiot! Rome never touched Ireland!"...Yet, do you think I'd yell this at Shawn Cassidy? Newp. :) ]
- If you keep writing Heath instead of Health in letters to subscribers at work, you know you're addicted.
- If you have a downloaded picture of Fergus at your desk and gaze at it for inspiration to get through the day at work, you're an addict.
~ Moira FergusLady