One of my very good friends and teachers was diagnosed
and is now in remission. Please hope
her the best if you can. Thank you very much.
This page is dedicated to all the actors and actresses in NEWSIES. Okay, so Conlon's the only one up, but that doesn't mean that I don't still like the other fellas in the movie! Frankly, I can't seem to get any other pictures to upload; therefore, the only pictures I have are of Conlon. But I still love all the other fellas just the same!
Man, he's good lookin'. Who's dat in da thoid
I wonder if Sarah likes row? She's goigious!
'im more 'an me. Hm.
I made a new survey. Check dis one out. It's an actual form! SURVEY Yup, a cool new survey. Check it out. I spent much time 'n' blood makin' the blasted form. I'm real proud a meself.
Here's a OLD SURVEY fer ya ta answah. Ya gotta copy da questions 'n' mail 'em 'n' yer responses ta me. It's pretty opinionated, so it don't matta if ya've seen da movie a million 'n' eleven times, or jist once or twice. But if ya've only seen it twice, GO SEE IT AGIN!!!!
An' here're da RESPONSES I've gotten from a few people. Some're pretty funny. But I'm havin' difficulties wit' da surver so I haven't been able ta put da really funny ones up. Sorry, kids.
I've gotten a few AWARDS from some people. You can check 'em out if ya really wanna.
You can even WIN MY AWARD from me right now!!!
Check out my new Photo Gallery
Or you can check out my SECOND PHOTO GALLERY. It's got different pictures!!
I've added a FAN FICTION CONTEST to my page. You can go here and check out the rules and find out what the topic is at present. All I ask is that you read through the rules.
IT'S OPEN NOW!!!!!!!
And here's one of my two links to MY COOL ANIMATIONS PAGE. See if you can find the other.
Standard Disclaimer:The idea for this page was spawned by the Disney live-action movie Newsies. Disney has copyrighten the charactors (I believe so anyway; I'm not positive), so they belong to Disney, or the original people who Disney borrowed the names from. Well, either way, they don't particularly belong to me. The charachtors not mentioned in the movie in any way, shape, or form belong to me, known to most as Birdie Kelley.
If you want to see more animations, click on my ANIMATIONS PAGE.
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