How does it feel to be playing a character like Methos?

"I've never thought of Methos as a good guy!" He went on to say that he loved playing Methos - that it was a thrill, a joy, exciting and just sheer fun. He then went on to warn us however that we should take nothing for granted with Methos. Just because he says something was so does not make it so....that it is still possible that Methos is the most devious, manipulative son of a bitch ever created. He seemed to enjoy this train of thought and continued that Methos is all about ploys, about controlling people - about using them. Whilst he said that "I wouldn't turn my back on him" he did leave it open to the possibility that Methos may indeed be a reformed character. We don't know really where he's coming from and this is what makes the character such a joy to play. But I guess he likes playing Methos =?)

You were born in Cardiff, Wales. Can you speak Welsh and can you say something in Welsh for us?

Peter admitted to being 34 years of age. "I grew up in Cardiff. I lived there until I was 17. I learned Welsh in school for two years. But I must have been 12 or 13 when I stopped speaking it. The only thing I remember is [insert forgien language here]. He then asked if there were any Welsh speakers in the audience. On hearing "No" he then inquired if there were any English people. When no-one owned up he appeared to breathe a sigh of relief and admitted that he had just insulted all English person's ancestors!

I just wanted to say on behalf of all of the women here that you aren’t a 10, you’re an 11. Do you consider yourself a sex symbol?

Peter seemed think him being an 11 on a scale of 10 was preaty funny. He said that he certainly did not consider himself a sex symbol. He also said "We're English; we don’t have sex symbols. We're English! We don't have sex!!!!!"

Last year you seemed kind of baffled [by the fan/convention scene]. Are you having fun yet?

Am I having fun yet? Yes, oh yes. {insert laughter and WOOOOO'S here} {I forget what else went here. Sorry}

Regarding Comes a Horseman, what was your reaction when you read the script, and what was it like filming it?

I first heard about Comes a Horseman from one of the prop guys. He asked me if I had read it yet. I said no. He said you are the baddest of all bad guys. I read the script, and I loved it. There’s a danger in this kind of role of becoming nothing more than MacLeod’s sidekick. So for that one to turn up was like a gift from heaven. Filming it was such fun. Playing evil is much easier to do than playing good.

Did you realize that running the London Marathon was just training for this?

{If I recal correctly this gave him a big laugh. But I'm a little hazey.} No I didn’t.

What’s with this double quickening in Revelations 6:8? There’s been a lot of talk about the meaning of that final quickening. That it implied some new kind of new and different connection between DM and Methos. Can you tell us something about what was really happening. {um... i think i got this question right. She was a bit muffled}

{I can't remember what his actual answer was to this so I'm just going to use the answer people have sent me.}This section was a real hoot. Peter was clearly feeling quite frisky and mischievous and told us that he warned everybody involved in the filming of the spiral Q "that people will talk!" He said that he was very aware of the homoerotic connotations of the spiral Q in Rev6:8 and went on to tell us that when asked about the double meaning that might be attached to it his response was: "Double meaning? What's the other one?????"

Is Simon Pemberton coming back to the Archers?

He probably will, but not with me playing him. Originally, the idea was to kill him off in a really spectacular manner that would keep people talking for years. I was in something of an unusual position. Most actors don’t want their character to be killed off, [but that wasn’t the case here.] I’d talked to the producers about it and had given them some ideas. When I got the script for the final episode, I found I wasn’t dead. I was outraged. I knew I was going to die and I wanted to do it. I think they will wait about a year and recast him [when people have the chance to forget the voice]. The plan calls for him to come back into the country and be arrested. Simon Pemberton is going down. He is going to jail. He is going down.

Patches’ Chance to meet Peter! here's her Questions

How do you feel about unofficial fan clubs?

It's definital... they’re unofficial. I don’t know about them.

Patches again: Well, there’s an unofficial fan club that’s highly represented. But its not for you; it’s for Methos. {Peter said something Like "I'll be sure to tell him next time I see him"} And we’ve got a t-shirt for you. (Patches runs up on stage and displays the shirt with the Carpe Rogem button.) {Peter reads the shirt... the motto and the URL}

{patches skips off stage} (Peter stares after her about 10 seconds—speechless.) Well. She’s very skippy, isn’t she?

Let’s put you on Fantasy Island. I you could act in any play with any actor ever, who would it be?

There was a play I did in school. It was a Sam Shepard play, Two for the Crime. I’d like to do that playing Hoss. It’s got a fantastic part for a kind of anarchist rock-n-roll star. There are lots of actors like James Woods… Yeah, James Woods with Oliver Stone directing.

How does it feel for Methos to have 68 wives—69 including Duncan?

68? 69? I have the same problem. They all blend into one. How do I feel about it? They didn’t film that episode. I think the producers will gradually spin that off into a series.

I want to ask a question about sword fighting. When there’s an actor who doesn’t know a lot about swords, there’s a lot of cut away… How is it working with Adrian Paul with sword fighting? How much of it is free fighting?

None of it is. It’s scary even when it’s choreographed. For a lot of it, we only have a couple hours to rehearse it, and we have to get in a whole day’s work. Often we’ll be filming in darkness with intensely bright lights shining in our eyes… Then we have instances when Adrian, in particular, does his own unscripted episode. This is never a good idea. In the penultimate episode, there was a head cut which Adrian blocked with his eye. {they lost some days of filming I think he said.}

Regarding Methos, do you want him to really be a good guy or a bad guy?

What I want as an actor-- I like the bad guy stuff. It sets up conflict with MacLeod. There’s a whole lot we have to resolve in Season 6. The more we dig up in his past that was evil—that’s interesting. Being noble and heroic is an end point. Having said that stuff, I want to say I loved the stuff with Alexa. What I like best as an actor is doing something different in the next episode than I did before.

How long does it take you to memorize a script?

I varies depending on how long we get the script before we have to start filming. There have been occasions when we’ve gotten rewrites after we filmed the scenes. It’s common to get rewrites the night before we film. I tend not to learn my lines. Usually the script arrives about a week or so before we’re scheduled to film. I tend to arrive on the set with a general idea of what I’m supposed to be saying and doing. There’s quite a bit of improvising.

I read that you never rode before Comes a Horseman and that you tried to make friends with the horse, but they changed the horse. How did the horse work out?

I had this theory that the horse is going to know you don’t know how to ride. So I thought I’d be friendly to the horse and he’d take care of me. This is my theory, anyway. I did a lot of work with this beautiful white horse for the [flashbacks]. I petted it a lot and whispered in his ear— But in the contemporary stuff in the woods, they had a different horse. Obviously, it can’t be the same horse, unless it’s an immortal horse. So I had to start all over again. Just be nice to the horse, and it’ll be nice to you.

{I forget this Question so I'm using another persons copy of it.} {Iguess it was o Quickies}

When it was announced that questionning would have to come to a close Peter guilelessly went on to inform us that there would "...have to be a Quickie tonight..." whereupon he burst out laughing when he realised what he'd just said and went on tosay that he'd *never* said that before!!! We all, of course, realised *immediately* what he had meant and all smiled demurely - NOT!!!!

I’d like to make a presentation to you. It’s something from my hometown you can’t get in England. (Fan hands Peter a package.)

What is it?

Marshmallow peeps.

{utterly clueless on the peep thing}Maarsh - mellow peeps? Do you toast these over a fire?

Hopefully I got some of these right. What I couldn't remember I used from various reports on the web. So if you recognize it that may be why.

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