12/27/99 VMGA won another Award.
12/15/99 I've added some things to the Extras page. I have added a new pic to the Other Photo Gallery.
12/05/99 I have put the Tyler & Vanessa Gallery back up but it only has 2 pics. I ahve also changed the pic on the Front page.
12/04/99 VMGA won 2 Awards.
12/03/99 VMGA won another Award.
12/01/99 VMGA won another Award. I also made some changes to the Awards VMGA has won page.
11/30/99 VMGA won 2 Awards. I also added more sites to the VMGA Winners List and I added something new to the Extras page.
11/08/99 I have added 2 new sections VMGA's Extras page and Adoptions page. Links to these pages can be found on the Links page.
11/07/99 I have added 2 new banners to the Link to VMGA page. I also added a link to the Banner Links page.
11/05/99 2 websites won the VMGA Award. I also added a link to the Links page.
10/31/99 VMGA won another Award. I also made some changes to the Member Cards page.
10/30/99 Two of the Photo Galleries have a few pics in them. More will be added soon.
10/27/99 VMGA won another Award.
10/20/99 I have totally re-done the Links Page.
10/16/99 I have closed down the photo galleries so I can fix the broken pics.
10/11/99 VMGA won another Award.
10/03/99 VMGA won 2 Awards.

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