10/23/98: Hey--this is my first dated update on here, so there won't be a whole lot to read.
As you can see, i'm finally starting to wake up and work on this page. Why? Because the other day I popped one(of many) of my Gargs tapes into the VCR, and watched 'The Mirror'. I realized how much I miss that show! And so, I decided to put some work into my page.
New stuff. New stuff there is! New background(cool, eh?), new logo, featuring the scrumptious human-Brooklyn! Feature pages are coming soon...Here are the ideas I had for new features:
Our Favorite Episodes. Just that. Brooklyn fans tell all what their favorite Brook eps are, and why.
Psycho Story Add-On Game! Has to be seen to be believed. I'll open that up when I found a story fragment that I lost in here somewhere....
Sounds/Pictures. Duh.
Fanfic. this is something i'm just thinking of adding. I need visitor feedback!!
That's all for now....Check back in often, and see you 'round!