
Beast mode

A pinkish-brown Raptor with a streak of dark brown on his back. Seems this guy was molded from the Jurassic Park Raptor. Mouth opens, front "hand" moves, legs move. The robot legs are under the body so the dino looks kinda' wierd with feet sticking out from under his chest.

Robot mode

Dinobot has a mutant mask which looks more like a skull. The mask is a transparent orange with a light gold tinge. Robot legs are the same colour. Robot arms are dino legs. Hands are dino's feet, so it is something like a claw. Also because of this, Dinobot can only "thrust" his sword. Tail splits to reveal a sword, and tail spins when you press a button on it. I recommend Dinobot, if you can find him. Grimlock is the same, so it's up to you to choose.

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