Very Special Arts Singapore [VSAS] is a charity launched in September 1993 to provide people with disabilities with opportunities to access the arts for rehabilitation and social integration. It is a non-funded affiliate of the National Council of Social Service. Very Special Arts International [USA] has her network of organizations in more than 80 countries.
The organization runs Visual and Performing Arts programmes for children and adults with differing disabilities, as well as their teachers, parents and volunteers. These programmes include craft classes, exhibitions, dance & art therapy workshops, Saori hand-weaving, public performances, arts camps, overseas exchanges, international festivals and more.
These programmes aim to enrich the lives of our special people by: - enhancing their self-esteem - developing their creativity and self-expression - refining their motor, social and verbal skills - upgrading their artistic skills so as to pave a way for their financial assistance/independence.
For a more detailed understanding, please refer to their website at VSA

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Film Synopsis
6son Production