by Madelyn Scott (Fluffbunny)-A Nighthawk Commando

 Madelyn Scott

 (contains graphic m/m sex & some language)

 Face was brooding again. He'd been quiet all evening. He noticed Hannibal
 observing him as he opened the champagne. The Colonel prided himself on
 knowing his men and even he hadn't been able to figure out what it was
 troubling the young lieutenant. It was more than the crashing disappointment
 of finding out his pardon hadn't been more than a set-up. It had been gnawing
 at Face for weeks, months.

 After the news about the government granting him a pardon had first come
 through, Face had been in a daze. This was his break, the deliverance he had
 been waiting for, the chance to begin a new life after his celebrity status
 had faded. To be able to drive past the military base and give them a cheery
 wave. A regular nine-to-five job, a home, a family, even. He'd mapped it all
 out carefully and deliberately. Just one long glorious picket-fence future

 Of course, it had turned out none of it was for real. A renegade CIA unit had
 brought Face into the open with the hope of using him as bait to draw out a
 Vietnam war criminal known to be in the country. General Chao had sworn to
 avenge his daughter by slitting the throat of the American he believed to have
 dishonored her. Kidnapped by Chao's men,  Face had come close to getting his
 head blown off before Hannibal, BA and Murdock managed to infiltrate the
 General's place to save his hide. And to add insult to injury, he'd wound up
 getting mistaken for Murdock by two orderlies who busted into the motel room
 searching for their AWOL patient, and given a one way ride to the psychiatric

 After the VA had finally been convinced of the mistake late that evening, it
 was Murdock who had declared that they should throw an impromptu party to
 cheer Face up and celebrate their reunion. So they had picked up some Chinese
 food and gone back to spend the evening at Face's new apartment overlooking
 the beach. Not that it actually *belonged* to Face, of course. He was very
 graciously minding this one while the owners were away for three months in
 Europe, a favor they were at present unaware of. Face was always so generous.
 Never once did he ask for any kind of thanks.

 He had just given Hannibal a guided tour of the most important areas of the
 apartment, given that the entire place would have taken about a fortnight.
 Back in the front room, he had opened a bottle of champagne for the Colonel,
 Murdock, and himself. BA, as usual, was on milk.

 Hannibal looked around him as Face topped up his glass, turning to the
 unofficial tenant with a grin. "Face, this time, I must say, you've reached
 new heights of both ingenuity and dishonesty. Congratulations, kid."

 "Thanks, Hannibal," replied Face, "sometimes I amaze even myself."

 He was perfectly in tune with the Colonel as always, but yet his response
 didn't sound as if it carried much humor.

 "Face, are you okay?"

 "Thought he'd gotten away from us for good, man," said BA with a smile,
 "should've known he couldn't get that lucky."

 "Aw, BA, that's not it..." If BA thought that his lost pardon was the only
 cause of his depression, Face wasn't going to enlighten him. "I really thought
 that this was it, you know? That I'd made it. That after twelve years, I was
 finally free. I would have hated leaving you guys. But I couldn't pass on the
 opportunity to live a normal life again. You can't blame me for running with
 that chance."

 Hannibal laid his hand on Face's shoulder. "Any one of us would have done the

 "I'd never have forgotten any of you. You'd still have been a part of my life.
 I'd always have worried about you."

 "'Specially about that crazy fool," put in BA, looking across to where Murdock
 was laying on his belly on the couch, watching TV. "Don't need nothin' more to
 worry about with him around. Hannibal, he was foolin' with that invisible dog
 of his again while we were waitin' for Face at the VA."

 "BA, you know Billy's had distemper. Murdock's just being a good owner."

 The big man scowled. Face briefly glanced in the same direction. Yes, he would
 have worried about Murdock.

 "Welcome back, anyway, Face. We missed you."

 "I haven't been away."

 "I know. We still missed you."

 "Thanks, Hannibal."

 Face let his eyes wander once again to where Murdock was engrossed in a 'High
 Chaparral' re-run on TV. The Hunkman phase had started to bore him, and the
 pilot was back in his regular kitchen-garden-psychiatric ward clothes. As Face
 watched, he gave a little sigh, and stretched the way down his body like a
 cat, the thin shirt tightening around the muscles of his shoulders.

 HM Murdock wasn't a strikingly handsome man at first glance. He was too tall,
 too slender, reminiscent of a colt that had outgrown it's strength. Firm lines
 of his jaw and cheekbones opposed liquid brown eyes that seemed to penetrate
 the soul of those who met them. But Murdock's face had become the dearest in
 the world.

 Face thought of the first time in 'Nam he'd been glad to see it. It had barely
 registered then; the pilot of the chopper that had finally picked him and
 three other wounded soldiers up after they'd been seperated from their unit
 and were taking bets on who was going to bleed to death first. He hadn't known
 the name then. That had come later, when Colonel Morrison had hand-picked him,
 Hannibal and BA for his Hanoi bank job. The same guy was to drop them. He was
 a former Thunderbird and the best pilot Morrison could lay his hands on.

 The young lieutenant had been drawn to Murdock like a moth to a flame.
 Something about the pilot's warmth, his off-the-wall approach to life, his
 dazzling smile, had hypnotized Face. Immediately, they'd become close friends.
 And over the years, his feelings had somehow deepened into more than

 Templeton Peck, the ladies' man. Since he was fifteen, he'd been with more
 beautiful women than he cared to remember. Some of the not so beautiful ones,
 too; he'd made them all feel special for a night. He made love to women and he
 was damned good at it. He was straight, as straight as straight could be. So
 why did his heart keep giving this crazy leap these days every time he looked
 too long at his best friend HM Murdock? When they were apart Murdock
 constantly occupied his mind. And when they were together Face felt like he
 was fighting a small war again; the urge to feel warm male flesh against his,
 fingers rest quietly in fingers. Just to be alone awhile, at peace in each
 other's touch.

 Maybe he was confusing what the feelings he had for Murdock meant. Face had
 never had a family of his own, and the four of them had gone through so much
 together. It was natural he should feel more intimate with any one of the team
 than anyone else he'd met in his life. But he knew he was lying to himself.
 *Come on,* he thought, savagely, *do you look at Hannibal and BA and wonder
 what they'd be like in bed?* Almost instantly he was chagrined by his
 thoughts, but the desire still remained.

 Anger flared alongside the stir in his groin as he turned away, and not a
 small amount of fear. It wasn't his *fault*, dammit! Not if he didn't mean it
 to happen. With so little to have been certain of throughout his life, the
 last thing he wanted to start casting any doubts on was his own identity. But
 now the problem was it was spilling over into all the other areas of his life.
 He couldn't compartmentalize any more. Whatever he was doing, Murdock was
 somehow a part of it.

 Just last Saturday night, he'd been in bed with Cherry, the model he'd been
 dating, curled up at his side, drowsy in the afterglow of lovemaking, but
 still focused enough to listen to his conversation. Although she thought Face
 was a world-famous obstetrician, she knew he had an old friend in the VA

 He was halfway through relating some anecdote about Murdock and Billy, when
 Cherry pushed her rosebud mouth into a pout of boredom.

 "Aw, Temp...can't we forget about Murdock just for once? This is supposed to
 be *our* night!"

 He blinked at her, faintly surprised. "What?"

 "Well, it's just that you allllll-ways talk about him! Sometimes I feel like
 it’s three in a bed here." She rolled her eyes with a giggle. "Gee, Temp, if I
 didn't know you better, I'd think you were in love with Murdock and not me!"

 Face managed to laugh as he let her draw him down into her arms once more, but
 it was slightly hollow. Suddenly he felt like a very raw nerve had been
 touched upon. Something exposed that he didn't want to look at, but knew was
 there all the same. He buried into Cherry’s long fair hair, inhaling her scent
 very hard and trying to absorb it, as if he could let it fill him like white
 light and it would dissolve everything that shouldn't be inside him.

 It was almost midnight. Hannibal and BA were preparing to leave.

 "Thanks for the drinks, Face." The Colonel set his glass down on the coffee
 table. "You know," he added, "I think this has been good for us. Just an
 evening together, relaxing."

 Face nodded. Hannibal turned towards the man draped over the couch. "Murdock?
 You ready?"

 Murdock looked over his shoulder. "Aw, Hannibal! Victoria's just been
 kidnapped by Mexican bandits! I wanna see how it finishes!"

 Hannibal smiled fondly. He turned. "Face, you can run Murdock back home after
 the show, can't you? You know he'll be pacing the floor all night if he
 doesn't see the end of a story."

 Being with Murdock while the others were there was one thing, but being alone
 with him? Face didn't think he could stand it tonight. He'd go nuts.
 Hurriedly, he raised his glass. "I've been drinking."

 "Okay." The Colonel shrugged amiably. "Then Murdock can sleep on the couch.
 Take him back to the hospital in the morning."

 "Hannibal, if you think I'm having Murdock sleep on my couch all night...What
 if I have a 'friend' stop by, huh? What am I going to say to her - I opened up
 a church mission in my front room?"

 "Face, calm down!" Hannibal grinned. "I'm sure Murdock can be discreet."

 "I can be invisible," agreed Murdock.

 After BA and Hannibal had gone out to the van, Face began to try and busy
 himself. He cleared away food cartons. He emptied ashtrays. He straightened
 drapes. Only when he started plumping the cushions on the couch did he realize
 that Murdock had looked away from the TV and was observing him pensively.

 "Face...what are you doing?"

 "I'm tidying up. What does it look like? Just because you can stand to live in
 a room that looks like a garbage dump doesn't mean I can."

 "It's just that you haven't sat still for thirty seconds since the others
 left. You're acting like you're wired, man. And you've been looking like
 you're on a different planet for weeks. Wanna talk?"

 "Talk? What would I have to talk about?"

 "God. The infinite boundaries of space. How anybody really *knows* that little
 light inside the refrigerator goes out when you close the door." Murdock
 shrugged. "I don't know. Life. How's your life been going, Face?"

 "My life? My life is just dandy! And maybe it would be a whole lot better
 without you bugging me!" He saw the faint injured look in Murdock's eyes, and
 realized how touchy he had sounded. You always hurt the one you love...
 "Murdock," he said, "I'm sorry." He picked up the empty glasses. "I'm just
 going to clear this stuff away."

 In the kitchen, Face stared out of the window over the waterfront and the dark
 waves lapping the beach. He felt like his whole identity was in question. He
 was supposed to be the lady-killer of the Team, and he was dreaming about
 another man. What did that make the rest of them? He wasn't sure of anything
 anymore. He'd found himself examining himself in the mirror in the mornings,
 trying to glimpse a physical change, something that would reflect or explain
 the churned-up feelings inside. He still looked like the same Templeton Peck
 he'd always been. He just didn't feel like him.

 Face looked towards the door, and briefly closed his eyes. He didn't know if
 he could make himself go back in there after how he'd just snapped. If Murdock
 started quizzing him again, he didn't think he could take it. But nor could he
 take a night's silence, either. Sooner or later, he was going to have to speak
 to the pilot. Face lifted his shoulders and let them drop, exhaling. He'd just
 have to control himself, the way he always did. He controlled himself with
 women. They were the ones who fawned over him, while he was cool and
 sophisticated one. Why should this be any different? Face removed the glasses
 from the dishwasher, and went back into the front room.
 Murdock's show had finished, and he was idly flicking from channel to channel
 with the remote. When Face came in, he switched off, and turned over to sit
 upright on the couch. Face sat down beside him.

 "Everything turn out okay?"

 "Oh, yeah. She got rescued. I knew how it finished."

 "Then why did you want to watch the end?"

 "Because I wanted to *see* it happen," Murdock explained.

 "Ah." They were both quiet for a minute. Then Face said, "Murdock, I'm sorry I
 flipped out before. I've had...a lot on my mind lately."

 "S'okay, Face." Murdock gave him a big smile.

 *God, don't be so nice to me!* Face thought. Aloud, he asked, "Murdock, what
 would you do if...if you were attracted to someone, but that person was a

 "Face, you're talkin' like being friends with someone and being involved with
 them are two different things! You know, the person you love should always be
 your bestest friend as well."

 "But what if you thought that by telling them, you might risk losing their

 "You're scared that could happen?"

 "Yes. Yes, I think there's a very good chance it could."

 "Face, I can't make that decision for you. If you feel you have to make a
 choice, you're the only one who can do it." He put his head on one side,
 observing the other man. "Is this friendship important to you?" he asked.

 "More than anything in the world," answered Face.

 "Is having a relationship important as well?"

 "Yes. Because I don't know how long I can go on being so close without saying
 'I love you' and ruining both our lives."

 "What could ever be bad about loving somebody?" Murdock asked.

 Hours seemed to pass. Eventually, Face cleared his throat. His mouth felt dry
 as he said,
 "Murdock...have you ever been attracted to another man?"


 He blinked. "You have?"

 "Yes. I guess you mean physically attracted? Yes, I have. Is that all you've
 been burning yourself out trying to tell me? You got a thing going for a guy?"

 Face opened and closed his mouth: yes. With a slight tremor in his voice, he
 said, "Murdock, do you think I'm queer?"

 "Do *you* think you are?"

 "I don't know what to think. I'm not sure of anything anymore! I sleep with a
 girl and have a good time. Then I wake up in the morning thinking
 about...about..." He looked away from Murdock's face, not sure he would be
 able to contain himself under his gaze. "The A-Team's Romeo," he said, with a
 short, bitter laugh, "and I don't know if I'm one way or another."

 "Face, why do you have to be one way or another? I sure as hell haven't been,
 as long as I can remember!" Murdock paused, suddenly registering the look on
 his friend's face. "I thought you knew."

 "No. No, I didn't. I never had any idea."

 "I'm sorry," said Murdock.

 Face knew what Murdock was saying, that he was sorry for dropping the
 bombshell on him, now of all times. He wasn't apologizing for being himself.
 He'd acknowledged and accepted that a long time ago. And he was telling Face
 not to apologize either. They all treated Murdock at times like a boisterous
 child they had to look out for. Face suddenly had the conviction now that it
 was Murdock who held wisdom and maturity in this room, and he who was the
 awkward kid.

 "How long have you known?"

 Murdock stretched his legs. "Seems like I always have. Since my teens, I
 guess. I fooled around some like everybody does, I just had a little more - uh
 - choice, shall we say? Then I fell in love."

 "Who with?" asked Face, wonderingly.

 Murdock grinned. "Airplanes, Faceman. Choppers. Anything that soars in the
 wide blue yonder. Spent every minute I wasn't sleeping hangin' with the
 suckers after I joined up. My social life was like, *zip*, non-existent. I
 coulda done it, you know," he added, "spent my life as the flying monk. If
 Vietnam hadn't happened."

 "Why? What happened in 'Nam that changed things?"

 "I met you."

 Face suddenly heard a rushing sound in his ears, the blood pounding. He was
 sure it must be burning in his cheeks as well. He swallowed. With difficulty,
 he managed to form the word, "Me?"

 "Face, you're a damned fine-looking guy. Lots of people seem to find you
 attractive. Why shouldn't I?"

 "I don't know."

 "Well, I do."

 "Your little veterinarian - Kelly. She's visited you a couple times, hasn't
 she? I thought you had something going for her..."

 "Maybe I have." Murdock smiled a little. "She's cute, and I like her. And she
 deserves more, as well. She deserves someone who's gonna love her with all
 their heart, and not wanna make love to anyone but her for the rest of their
 lives. I couldn't promise that."

 Face moistened his dry lips a little. "Because of me?"

 The pilot nodded.

 For a minute, their own breathing was audible. Then Murdock said, abruptly,
 "Face, I never just wanted a fuck, you know. You mean more to me than that.
 Oh, sure, I've had fantasies. But if anything happened, I wanted it to be
 because we both felt the same, not because you were just curious or somethin'.
 I never would have told you unless I was sure."

 Face stared at him. "You know. You know who I've been talking about, don't
 Murdock managed a small smile. "Well, Face, I don't think you been sitting
 here trying to tell me you got the hots for BA."

 A sigh escaped Face. Whether it was one of despair or relief he didn't know;
 maybe it was a little of both. He looked at Murdock in his baseball boots, the
 cartoon dog on his shirt that declared, 'DON'T HOUND ME - I'VE HAD A RUFF
 DAY!' The pilot delighted in looking and playing out his part as a certified
 nut. But Face knew as well that there were genuine problems beneath HM
 Murdock's wacky exterior, maybe more than any of them guessed; little demons
 their owner was having to face and defeat one day at a time. Had he created
 another one?

 "Murdock, have I made things more complicated for you?"

 Murdock smiled. "No. I think you just un-complicated them some. I don't have
 to try and hide that part of myself any more. And neither do you."

They fell silent, watching one another. All the barriers had been removed now,
 the rules messed up. Templeton Peck looked at his friend of fifteen years. For
 the first time, he was seeing him as a man, a sexual being like himself, who
 was often lonely and was now sending a cry into the depths of Face's own
 loneliness. He wanted Murdock, and Murdock wanted him. When his friend laid a
 very light, almost imperceptible hand on Face's shoulder, his skin felt like
 it was electrified, even through the cloth, every pore awake and throbbing.
 His cock stirred.

 Softly, Murdock said, "Face, you want us to be together tonight? Or do you
 want me to sleep here on the couch, and both of us spend the rest of our lives
 wondering how it would have been?"

 Brown eyes locked in on blue as the two men stared at each other.

 "You know it's now or never, Face," Murdock said.

 "Now," answered Face. And he reached for Murdock and hugged him to his chest,
 held him like he never wanted to let go.

 After a moment, he felt himself being gently but firmly pushed off. But only
 for Murdock to cup the sides of his face and pull him in for the delivery of a
 bruising kiss.

 He didn't know what taste he'd expected from another man, but it was nothing
 compared to what he got. A sudden fierce infusion of heat and musk filling his
 mouth, his senses.
 Murdock's hot tongue slipped into Face's mouth, and he felt his own respond,
 probing, exploring. When Murdock's mouth released his, he was trembling.

 "You like that, Face?" The pilot's eyes wandered down to Face's lap, focusing
 on the hard lump of his erection. "I could do some more things I think you'd
 like even better right now. Will you let me?"

 "Why not?" Face heard himself say. His voice seemed to come from somewhere
 outside himself, drowned out by the pounding in his chest.

 Murdock pulled him close and kissed him, even more passionately than before,
 then, just as abruptly, broke the kiss again. "Not here," he said, firmly,

 Inside the apartment's master bedroom, Face flicked the switch of the small
 lamp on the nightstand.

 "You don't mind lights?" he asked, huskily, "I want us to see each other." and
 Murdock shook his head with a small smile. It increased as he looked about

 "Satin sheets...oh, Face, this is so nice! You really hit the jackpot with
 this place."

 "Hope I'll be hitting a few more soon," murmured Face.

 Murdock's smile became a grin. He ran his tongue lightly around his lips. "You
 got money to put where your mouth is, Faceman?"

 "Tonight I'm loaded."

 In a second, they were in each other's arms again, their hands on one
 another's bodies searching for release and only serving to fuel the fire.
 Murdock murmured something that Face couldn't quite catch. "What?" he asked,
 and the pilot repeated it, "Too many clothes." He lifted Murdock's T-shirt,
 diving beneath it and running his hands over the hot flesh, helping his
 partner to drag it over his head. It left his hair mussed and adorable. Still
 kissing Murdock's lips, cheek, throat, he let fascinated fingers crawl through
 the thick mat of dark hair on the pilot's chest, noting the contrast with his
 own smooth skin. Meanwhile Murdock was making little sighing, moaning noises,
 dropping Face's jacket and vest to the floor, Beverly Hills designer laying in
 an expensive pile of unwanted cloth, pulling at the buttons of his shirt. He
 grabbed for Face's zipper and pulled it down, thrusting his hand inside and

 Waltzing backwards across the floor, kicking off shoes, they dropped to the
 bed with
 Face on top of Murdock, kissing the breath out of him. He growled with
 frustration as he wriggled off his own pants with difficulty, then Murdock's.
 Somewhere, material ripped.

 "Gee, Face, you might be able to get out to buy a new wardrobe, but I sure as
 hell can't! Take it easy!"

 "Shouldn't get me so damned hot, should you?" Face reached to yank down
 Murdock's shorts, massaging and squeezing his bare ass.

 The pilot deftly performed the same service for him. Gently, Murdock bit at
 Face's ear, tracing tiny circles just beneath the lobe. "Come on then, Face.
 Show me how hot you are. Let me feel you." Slowly, he circled his hips beneath
 those of his lover, letting their erections grind together. "Oh, you are
 hot...oh, yeah, Face, lemme feel that gorgeous dick..."

 "Murdock," muttered Face, running his hands over the pilot's body, "is there
 any way to shut you up?"

 "Well...I can't talk with my mouth full, can I..?"

 He looked down into Murdock's eyes and saw them darken. Murdock heaved a bit,
 getting Face off of him, then rolling on top himself. They were nose to nose,
 breathing into each others mouths. Murdock crawled his fingers through Face's
 thick ash-blond hair, scruffing it in his hand like he adored just feeling
 it's softness. Then he held the lieutenant's head still like that whilst they
 shared another long kiss. He seemed to destroy every last scrap of Face's
 resistance with that kiss, utterly possess him. Face looked up into Murdock's
 wide, dilated eyes and felt his soul ravaged  by the love and desire he saw
 there. It must have been reflected in his own, because now the pilot slowly

 "You ever had another man suck you, Face?" he asked softly.

 Mutely, Face shook his head. He had thought he knew Murdock, knew him inside
 and out. But this was a Murdock he was seeing now whom he'd never dreamed
 existed. Without taking his eyes from Face's until the last second, the pilot
 moved down the younger man's chest and flicked his tongue over a nipple. Face
 shuddered and inhaled sharply, his body too sensitive.

 "I'm gonna look after you real well, Face. All I wanna do is please you."
 Murdock's voice was soft, his breath tingling on the moistened skin an inch
 beneath. He slid down Face's body, his lips tracing their path over chest and
 belly with kisses, darting his tongue in and out of the small hollow of his
 friend's navel a few times.

 And then soft warm lips fastened around Face's cock and drew him in. Dividing
 attention between head and shaft, Murdock sucked. Face gasped, lifting his
 hips from the bed as Murdock worked his hot velvety magic, sliding his tongue
 around Face and easing him down a little more each time. Finally he was
 holding the lieutenant's entire length in his mouth. He paused, briefly, his
 eyes closed, as if savoring the feel of it. Then he swiftly took up the rhythm
 again, dancing sensation up and down Face's cock.

 Face was rendered almost helpless under the tender assault. He didn't know
 what he'd expected the first time with Murdock to be like. Anything but the
 eager, skilful lover going down on him now, moving like a slut and working the
 friction between his own hips and the bed as he swirled around Face's cock.
 Face reached down to where fluffy brown hair tickled his belly, guiding
 Murdock, showing him the speed and rhythm he wanted.

 "Ah - God!!" he cried, as his partner understood and obeyed his requests.

 He was going to come. Harder than he'd ever come before in his life. He gasped
 his lover's name, and it echoed in his mind. Murdock...this was Murdock, his
 best friend, doing this to him... And then he was falling, plunging headlong
 into the dark pit of rapture, emptying himself over and over into his friend's
 eager throat. Thoughts became nothing; world, nothing. As the last spasms
 racked his body, he was dimly aware of the pilot still sucking, drawing his
 salt from him like milk from a mother's breast and swallowing deep.

 For a long, lovely time they lay still together, both comprehending what they
 had just done. Murdock was the first to move, gently releasing Face's cock,
 and propping himself up on his elbows. A little trickle of semen ran from the
 corner of his mouth, and he slowly and deliberately licked it away, running
 his tongue round as if he relished the taste. Then he smiled.

 "What do you say, Face? Do I get eight out of ten?"

 "More like twelve," Face mumbled.

 Murdock's smile broadened into a grin. He glanced down somewhere out of Face's
 line of vision.

 "Uh, I'm sorry about them nice sheets, by the way. I came all over them."

 "Doesn't matter. I got a feeling they're going to get worse, anyway..."

 Murdock scooted up the bed for a brief kiss, settling down then to nuzzle
 Face's shoulder and the side of his neck. Face slipped his arm around the
 pilot with a sigh, holding him tight. Strange. He'd never been much of a
 cuddler once it was over, before. But this was somehow different. Although he
 was tired in a beautiful warm, floaty way, he didn't want to sleep yet, just
 carry on being aware of his partner. It was like he was in love.

 The thought shook him a little when it came. For the first time, Face felt
 scared by the implications of their actions. Then he felt Murdock kiss his
 earlobe, gently push his tongue in and out, and he smiled softly under the
 pilot's intimate caress. There would be plenty of time to get things straight
 in his head during the days to come. Right now, he only knew that he was
 enjoying himself, and that he fully intended to go on enjoying himself tonight
 for as long as he possibly could.

 Murdock had started to make little interested sounds, rummaging around in the
 pillows. Suddenly, he stopped with a soft sigh.

 "Oh, my...oh, *Face*..."


 "Now, lookee what I found hid away!" Murdock crawled out from the sheets
 dangling his prize, a pair of soft leather handcuffs, lined with fluffy pink
 fur. He was grinning like the Cheshire Cat. "Why, Faceman, I had no idea you
 liked playing games too!"

 Face was aware of his cheeks growing hot. "They're Cherry’s. She must have
 left them last time she was here."

 "Guess her loss is my gain, then..."

 "You have something in mind?"

 "Weeeell, I was wondering...maybe we shouldn't let 'em sit cold and lonely
 here tonight watchin' us have all the fun. Huh? What do you say, Face?"
 Murdock asked, gently nuzzling the cuffs, rubbing the fur against his cheek.
 His brown eyes shone.

 "I'm not so sure, Murdock. Cherry likes it, but I never tried..."
  "No. I meant me."

 Face looked at Murdock. The pilot looked perfectly serious, and incredibly
 "You mean *you* want to be..? Oh, shit," he said, with feeling.

 "Uh - Face, don't panic. It's just that I would really enjoy it, and I think
 maybe you would too."

 The lieutenant shifted. "Murdock, I'm not sure about this. This is still all
 kind of new tonight, remember?"

 "You're nervous? Maybe this would make you feel a little better, Face. Maybe
 if I was restrained so I couldn't do *anything* unless you allowed it? How
 would you like that, huh?" Murdock slowly tickled down from Face's armpit to
 his thigh with the fur. "Would that make you feel good, having me under your
 control, Face? Having me tied to the bed, and doing anything you wanted,
 anything at all..?"

 The corners of his mouth rose in a half-smile as he saw Face moisten his lips.
 Dammit, Murdock knew exactly what he was doing here!

 Suddenly, Face felt a rebellious streak developing. So, Murdock wanted to
 play, did he? He might just play some games with the pilot he hadn't expected.
 And it could be fun, too. Yes, he decided, gazing into his partner's eyes, it
 could definitely be fun.

 He sat up in bed, forcing Murdock to get off of him.

 "Turn over on your back," he instructed. "Move up a little - so you can reach
 the bedhead. I thought you wanted this?" he asked, when his friend reacted
 with surprise to his sudden assertion.

 Immediately, Murdock wriggled up the sheets. Face clambered on top, kneeling
 astride his lap and his already hard cock, reaching for the cuffs. Murdock was
 as docile as a child, allowing Face to lift his left hand and imprison the
 wrist, then letting enormous eyes drift to above his head where the cuffs were
 wound twice around the top rail of the bedhead. When he felt the leather
 around his right wrist as well, he gave a tiny moan, squirming, exploring how
 far he was able to move to either side. It was about six inches each way. He
 raised himself up, attempting to reach a nipple to lick as Face leaned over
 him, but found himself pushed back on the pillows with a mild admonishment.

 "No, no, Murdock! You had all the fun with me last time. Now it's my turn."

 Face paused, able to fully drink in his lover for the first time, no stolen
 glances and hastily averted eyes. He let his gaze move over Murdock's slender
 frame, his strong shoulders, the taut muscles of his stomach. The pilot's wide
 eyes were fixed on him, waiting. Slowly, Face reached up and traced a finger
 down the tender skin of Murdock's throat, down to his dark furred chest. It
 seemed like a good place to start. He let his tongue follow the same path his
 finger had drawn, leaving a trail of moisture. Finding the pilot's nipples, he
 worked on them with thumbs and forefingers, drawing them to peaks of hardness,
 then turning his head to one and the other, giving a deep, loving pull with
 his lips. Murdock gave a soft little cry, soon muffled when Face covered his
 mouth with his own and kissed him deeply and lovingly. He moved like he wanted
 to put his arms around the other man, and, of course, found he could not, so
 instead he seemed to give up and settle into the kiss. Face continued to
 tongue him gently until he relaxed again, then he swiftly slid a hand down
 over Murdock's belly and fastened it around his stiff cock. Murdock nearly bit


 "Oh, I'm sorry," said Face, not meaning a word of it. "Weren't you ready?" he
 went on, turning his attention to lightly cupping and squeezing the pilot's
 sac. "The best way to go through life, Murdock," he explained, repeating the
 sequence, hold, roll, release, "is to expect the unexpected."

 Murdock was panting hard. With a final gentle squeeze, Face released him,
 planted a kiss in the center of his chest, followed the hairline down to where
 it became curls at the base of his erection; where the lovely, thick organ
 stood erect and proud. Because of *him*. Waiting for *him*. He longed to take
 it full in his mouth. When he lowered his head, Murdock whimpered with
 excitement, jerking his hips up in wanton invitation. But instead Face
 disappointed him. He scattered featherlight kisses over Murdock's belly and
 the dark curls below. Very delicately, giving no more, no less, he traced his
 tongue in circles around the pilot's cockhead, bringing forth a bubble of
 moisture and licking the pearly droplet away. Murdock leaned back his head and
 gave a low, guttural moan.

 Now he finally allowed Murdock's cock between his lips. But just a little way,
 teasing the underside, flicking his tongue back and forth across the tip like
 some ice-cream delicacy he wanted to prolong the consumption of. Murdock made
 a strangled gasping sound. It sounded good. When Face abruptly removed his
 mouth, it got even better.

 "Fa-acccce!" yelled Murdock.

 "Something wrong?" inquired Face innocently, lifting his head from the other
 man's groin. "Oh, I see. You want me to finish you off?"

 The pilot nodded enthusiastically.

 "Well, all in good time, Murdock," he continued.

 Murdock gave a moan. "I think I'm dying!"

 "You're not dying," Face assured him, taking the stiff rod in his hand and
 caressing it.

 "Yes, I am! And you're gonna have it on your conscience!"

 Face shook his head.

 "Murdock, there's a lot you're going to have to learn about patience."

 "Oh, fuck! Face - PLEASE!!"

 "Please what? Tell me what you want me to do." He swept his thumb across
 Murdock's cockhead once more, listening to the deep moan and feeling it
 reverberate in his own groin. "Do you want me to suck you? Suck you like you
 did me?"


 "You do? Is that what you want?"


 In one swift motion, Face plunged down Murdock's slick, swollen cock with his
 mouth, sliding his tongue down the underside, taking him down, down. Murdock
 cried out in pleasure, thrusting further in. Face almost gagged, but managed
 to hold it, caressing Murdock's shaft with his lips, increasing, then slowing,
 then speeding up the rhythm again. Murdock began to writhe on the pillows. A
 soft sheen of sweat covered his body. Face worked him hard and loving now,
 building up the exquisite friction to screaming point. He lifted his hips and
 steadied himself over Murdock with one hand, grabbing for his own cock with
 the other.

 And then it was happening, Murdock emitting a full-throated howl, and
 exploding sticky fragrant into Face's waiting mouth. The taste was all the
 trigger he needed, and seconds later, his own choked moans mingled with those
 of his partner as he came over both Murdock and the bed.

 Both of them gradually shuddered to a halt. Face lay still against Murdock for
 a minute, letting his tongue drift slowly around the pilot's relaxing cock,
 lapping up the last thick droplets of semen.

 Murdock gave a long sigh.

 "Oh, Lord.."

 Face slid his mouth off with another quick lick. He was almost afraid to look
 into Murdock's eyes again now it was over. But when he managed it, all he saw
 was pure ecstasy and love.

 "You okay?"

 Murdock rewarded him with a beautiful drowsy smile. "Uh-huh. Only I think you
 better have the cardiac arrest team standing by before you do anything like
 that to me again!"

 They both laughed a little. Face crawled up the bed and released Murdock from
 the cuffs, pulling him down into his arms and rubbing his wrists where the
 leather had chafed. Very gently, he touched Murdock's tousled dark hair,
 looked down at his face, soft lashes swept half over his large brown eyes. He
 knew those eyes. They were the eyes of an angel. Visions of Murdock
 ministering to his aching cock surfaced again. How could he have eyes like
 that and know how to do the things he did?

 "Love you," he said softly, kissing the pilot's forehead, tracing a fingertip
 around his mouth.

 Murdock bit and sucked at it. "Love you too." A wicked gleam suddenly came
 into his eyes, and one hand inched it's way down to tease Face's moist cock.

 The lieutenant gave a small groan. "God, Murdock, we're both not eighteen any
 more! You *can't* want it again already!"

 "Just warming up." Murdock found Face's mouth, gently tugging at his lower lip
 with his teeth.

 As they settled into a kiss again, they were interrupted by the ring of the
 telephone beside the bed. Face leaned over with difficulty to pick up.

 "Hello? Oh - Colonel. *Hannibal*," he mouthed at Murdock. The pilot pretended
 to hide by diving under the sheet. "Murdock? No, he's - ah - asleep now.
 What?" he asked, distracted by the said Murdock, whom he could feel moving
 lower and lower down his belly. "Yes...of course I'll make sure he gets back
 safe and sound. What kind of guy d'you think I am? No, don't answer that. Yes.
 Goodnight, Hannibal."

 He put the receiver down, and lifted the covers. "Shit, don't do things like
 that, Murdock!"

 "But there's still so many things we got to try, Face. If we got time tonight.
 Have we got time?" he inquired.

 Face looked at the phone, then back into Murdock's eyes. Slowly, he traced his
 fingers along his friend's cheekbone. "Yes," he answered, with a smile,
 "plenty of time."


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