There's a time in everyone's life when you ask yourself- "Gosh, I wonder what Hast's been up to." And wonder you should! A healthy preocupation with my life is the sign of a well-balanced mind.
Strike that, reverse it.
Yay! I'm playing aroudn with modeling Cybertron! As you can see, the results aren't GREAT, but I'm quite pleased with the textures...
This is the texture I used for the exterior shell of the planet. It's one basic tiling texture repeated, and varied within that repetition. The result is still tilable for covering large surfaces. This texture was based (originally) on a photo of a US battleship, with bits added that include aerial photos of 2 different power plants, a rotary lathe, and what I THINK is a magnetic coil... took about 70 minutes to composite together from pieces. Feeel free to use the texture. IF you need a better resolution version e-mail me for it, i'll send you a 2300x950 uncompressed targa.
Based on a sportscar engine, with more aerial photos, circuit boards, an exploded diagram... and a high-pressure water pump I think. You can pick out the individual elements pretty easily here, but it's not noticable on an object...
The actual map I used, heavily composited. There was another one for luminosity that just had the interior sections, but you get the idea.
Nobody listens to me when I rant, so I make cool visual examples that are hard to argue with and get my point across. Emirate Xaaron, leader of the Autobot Council. Megatron (toy version helmet.) Note the similarity. The comics vaccilated between using the stylized cartoon helmet, the 'open,' toy one with the crown, as shown here, and a 3rd, wacky version from his TFU entry. In Xaaron's first appearance, they were using the toy-inspired helmet for Megatron. Additionally- Megs and Xaaron have identical chestpieces- a chestpiece design otherwise unique to Megatron. Both have that funny mouth.
So consider this a visual aid. Xaaron's design was based on Megatron. An odd choice for the Autobot commander...
This is the torso to the McBeast 'Panther.' It's also as much detail as I felt like modeling before I actually get mine in the mail. Why, one might ask, would I get an urge to model Panther, especailly if I don't own one? The answer is- I read too much. Stuff like Japanese comics summaries. Apparently in Japan this guy put in an apearance (in the rather warped continuity of their BW comic) as Ravage's father (it's more complicated than that, but oh well), a General who works for the TPC. Thus- my urge to model 'General Jaguar.' Side note: Panther was released as a Maximal... makes me wondering if the McD's in Japan ran this promotion...
This guy was 'kitbashed' together out of sections of uncompleted models- including Jaguar's torso, Grapple's headguard, Sideswipe's head, Cheetor's arm (the left one) and some modified seeker legs. The result is nicely Inferno-ish, minus the spud-ugly colors... Oh yeah, there's Lazerbeak parts in there too.
The total kitbash took... mmm... 3 hours? 4? That's with the minimal testuring he got. This is all for the March Animation challenge but- chances are I'm gonna run outta time and not get a chance to put the shot with this guy together... haw!