Black Jack's Ship

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Welcome to the last bastion of the linear, on-line editor. Our mission is to navigate this increasingly rare profession and bring back all of the treasures and artifacts we can find.

Featured Trivia

Edit Philosophy (from a GVG - 141)

Probably every editor has had an occasion when they are working feverishly to meet a tight deadline and they accidentally hit the wrong keys on the keyboard. Well, imagine being in that particular frame of mind and having your computer screen display a message saying,

"The light at the end of the tunnel, may be a train!"

Ahhh! It's good to see a computer with a sense of humor. If you have a Grass Valley VPE-141 edit controller press "control & auto assemble" (ctrl & auto asmb) at the same time and you should see this or one of the other messages (keep pressing and eventually they all come around). Here's a list of some of the other messages:

  • Imagination is more important than knowledge. (A. Einstein)
  • Life is what happens while you are making other plans.
  • After all, tomorrow is another day. (Scarlet O'hara)
  • Never let anything mechanical know you are in a hurry.
  • Never speak more clearly than you think. (Neils Bohr)
  • Time is an illusion, perpetrated by the manufacture of space.
  • It is impossible for anyone to begin to learn what he already knows.
The "Edit-l Wisdom" is Still Here!
Andy Birkhead has been kind enough to share his compilation of the best of the Edit-l with all of us. Called the "Edit-l Wisdom," this is version 1.0, of Andy's latest endeavor.

Also, take an on-line look at Andy's other compilation called Avid Wisdom or ftp the text version or the Edit-l text version from Innovative Edit's FTP site.

Avid Wisdom (FTP version)
Edit-l Wisdom (FTP version)


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