Hello & Welcome!!

This page will have some movies and more on it. It will take a while. So come back by soon! And this page will have some of my friends websites on it. And also have some of my favorite tv shows.

Let me first start off with some of my recent favorite Tv shows and my recent favortie movie. Then I'll have a few of my old favorite Tv shows on here. I really do hope you have enjoyed my pages. I have really enjoyed making all of them.

If you are a TITANIC fan and you love the movie, you should check out my TITANIC page! Just click onto the banner below and it will take you to my page. I do hope you enjoy it, because a lot of people so far have said that they loved my Titanic page!

I finally found a website to Dante's Peak. It is also one of my favorite movies. If you haven't seen, you should!!!!!

Dante's Peak

Just found 2 website for The Crow. I find this movie pretty interesting and very well made. If you haven't seen this one, go and see it sometime.

The Crow

T he Crow Fan Fiction Archive

Now if you are a Life Goes On fan....you should take a look at these two pages below. I do wish they would put this show back on cable.....I miss watching this show. I used to watch it all of the time.

The Unofficial Life Goes On Page!

Life Goes On --Title and Air dates!

Now if you are a Beauty & the Beast fan,......you should look thru these two links! These two pages have some really cool and neat stuff of Beauty & the Beast! By the way the second link has some poems on it of Beauty & the Beast!

Beauty & the Beast!

James' Beauty & the Beast

Now if you are a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan,...you should look at this page. It has short bios on the main characters. And it also has info about the next episode of the show.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer!

Here is a few more Tv shows that I enjoy on Tv. Now if you like these shows you should look thru these pages! There will be a few more Tv shows once I find them.

The Unoffical 7th Heaven Page!

The Official Dawson's Creek Page!

There will be more Movies and Tv show listed, but I'll have to find them. But for now enjoy what I have already!

Now for some of my friends pages that I stay in touch with on the net. First of all,... I'm a proud member of a group called WEBTV FRIENDS! They are a really friendly group and really chatty bunch! Click onto the banner below to check out the page of the group.

Now here are some of my friend's websites on the net.

Newman' s Page!! (Under Construtioon)

Neon Umber's Page!

Nuno Picado's Page!

Beautiful Loser-----Mike's Page!

Michael Thorpe's Page! ( A church friend website.)

Twon's Page!

Here are a few friends of mine from Webtv Friends list that I'm on!

Subana Page!

Melissa's Place!

Bye for now! Come back by anytime!
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